{This is Part II of Baby Z’s birth story. You can read Part I HERE.}We arrived at triage around 1:00 am and Micah quickly realized how tired he was. While I had slept in until 10:00am the previous morning, Micah was coming off a long and busy work week. His poor eyes were red, and he leaned against the wall in our little room and tried to sleep. At this point, the monitor indicated I was having contractions every two to three minutes and I was starting to feel them, but I was still only dilated to a 2.
The delivery part of labor went really smoothly for the most part, although my temperature spiked a little bit during the process and they had to add a second antibiotic to ward off infection. I started pushing around 5:30pm, and Zianne arrived at 6:45pm. The whole time I kept asking if I could do anything better or more efficiently, but everyone kept saying I was pushing perfectly and actually moving faster than many first-time moms do. I had good control of my legs and could feel my contractions coming each time. As the baby was crowning, I could also feel them applying mineral oil and I could faintly tell why they were adding it… yikes!
They pulled the baby out, held her over my stomach, and asked Micah “What is it, dad?” He announced excitedly that it was girl, and I got to watch as he cut the cord right in front of me. After this, she was laid on my chest and we spent a good 20-30 minutes this way, which included her peeing on me twice, which simply made me laugh.
The next two hours were a whirlwind, mainly because the nursing staff switched over at 7pm right after Zianne was born. Our room was filled with people… our first nurse, two new nurses because one was shadowing the other, a nurse for the baby, and a roving nurse to help our first nurse transition off her shift. My doctor finished her task and hastily leaned over Micah and the nurses to pat my head before she literally ran off to her next delivery. Then things got more complicated because the nurses had to do a full blood draw on Zianne to test for infection, since my water had been broken for twenty hours and I got a fever during delivery. Z had a tourniquet wrapped around her little arm and eventually they had to get out a flashlight to find one of her baby veins. Next, we tried breastfeeding for the first time, which thankfully went really well, and we wrote down all the variations of how to spell Zianne’s name, because we actually hadn’t agreed on the spelling before I went into labor. Before we knew it, it was almost 9pm, and we still hadn’t announced Z’s arrival to the grandmas and aunt in the waiting room. We were going to invite them in the room, but the nurses told us we were about to move to our recovery room, so it would be better to wait. At this point, my mom was outside our door worried, so we had to send a nurse out to tell her there was good news, but she had to wait a few more minutes to find out. Finally, they wheeled us out to the waiting room where we announced to our family that we had a baby GIRL!
The rest of our time in the hospital went really smoothly. All the nurses in the recovery ward were fantastic to work with. They taught Micah how to change a diaper; they taught me how to go to the bathroom in my postpartum condition, and they gave Zianne her first sponge bath and wrapped her up afterward like she was enjoying a day at the spa. Our second day at the hospital was filled with visitors, little girl clothes, a few newborn photos, and a Thanksgiving feast from Boston Market for dinner. Our second night was filled with cluster feedings and not much sleep. And finally on Monday, after waiting on the lab results from Z’s blood draw, the pediatrician came in and announced we could go home. We put on real clothes, wrapped up our little baby bundle, and took her home sweet home to begin our adventure as parents. It’s been a sweet journey so far, and I know it will only get better as each day passes by.
I'm going to be frank for a moment …… do you remember all of this?! I have the intense fear that I'm going to have an incredible tale to tell on my blog about Baby Kamden's entrance to the world, but I won't remember a single thing and, thus, will have no blog post. This is a legitimate concern, right?! HAHAHA Thankfully, Husband has a memory like an elephant and we also have a birth photographer taking pictures for us, maybe I should take a journal with me to document labor events. Thank you for sharing your experience, you don't realize how VALUABLE it is to read a calm birth story. I'm nervous and scared to death, but also excited. And YEA FOR YOU on the real estate commission, you TOTALLY earned that paycheck. HAHAHA
i love all the photos, she is so adorable and God's timing is always perfect especially for bringing babies into this world!
HOORAY! Although I don't comment much, I have been following your story for a long time! We don't have kids, yet…but it gives me courage when I hear about other "smooth" deliveries. 🙂 Congrats! And yes, God's timing is perfect!
You are awesome. She is beautiful. The end.
But seriously, how insanely intense are contractions after your water breaks?? I wish that upon no one! Also hope and wish that your water breaks closer to the end. And when people talk about having the doctor break their water, NO! Just say no!
Aw congrats momma!! She is beautiful!
She's precious. 🙂
She is precious mamma 🙂
Just sat down to read your birth story!! BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!!!