Your professor ends class by saying “See you next week” and your classmates then line up on their way out the door to say they hope to NOT see you next week.
The most commonly used verb people use when talking to you is “pop.”
“Ready” has suddenly become a four syllable word, as in “You look rrrrrrrrreeeeeaady.”
You walk into a restaurant for brunch and you literally hear the silence as people halt their conversation to watch you waddle to your table.
You wear the same three outfits all the time.
And on the day you decide to really step it up and squeeze yourself into a fourth outfit that you haven’t worn in weeks, you then proceed to spill your lunch. A piece of marinara pasta misses your mouth {which you’ve learned is a common third trimester symptom}, bounces off your bump and lands on your thigh, which then means you have to change your whole outfit… and you thought multiple clothing changes per day only happened after the baby arrives.
Your husband wakes up to your tossing, turning and bathroom traveling at least once a night and asks you if you are having contractions. The answer is always no. You are just trying to be a human being that sleeps during the night, and it’s not going well for you.
You sometimes get so hot and uncomfortable in the middle of the night that you have to get up and sleep on the couch in the living room.
When you discuss this sleeping problem with the secretary at your work, she suddenly pulls a spare fan from under her desk and insists that you borrow it. You then walk around the nation’s largest university in 100 degrees carrying a fan under your arm and a huge baby in your abdomen.
People ask if you can still drive. Uh… yes?
When the plumber comes to your house for the second repair of the summer, he is shocked and asks “You’re still pregnant?!”
You got your pre-pregnancy highlights and pedicure and paid a housekeeper to scrub your house. You now have roots, need to trim your nails, and your bathrooms need to be cleaned.
As you limp out of your doctor’s office due to extreme hip pain, she asks you, seriously, if you would like a walker or a wheelchair.
The cute little question “when are you due?” is now answered with “last week.”
*All joking aside, I am very happy and thankful to be 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I always thought this baby would be “late” and I know overall my pregnancy has been so blessed and relatively easy. I am holding out on inducing until it’s deemed medically necessary for safety reasons, and overall I am savoring my final days with Baby Russum in the womb. It’s just that the comments and incidents that happen at 40+ weeks are hilarious and I had to share! 🙂
I was in your exact situation a month ago! Our daughter was born at exactly 41 weeks. Hopefully you don't have too much longer to wait!
Hahaha! Totally made me laugh because I think I have been through almost all those situations! I hope you will be having your sweet one soon! Its not always a fun last stretch!
Any day now! I am so excited for you!!!!!!! I know your parents are in town now but I am seriously right down the street if you need anything. Help with pumping, a meal, whatever, just let me know. Can't wait to see pics of you holding your baby!
Your school secretary seems really sweet, but the mental image of toting the fan along for the rest of the day is HYSTERICAL! Thanks for sharing these, and can't wait to meet your cute kid! 🙂
Oh, this had me laughing out loud! I'm just over 39 weeks and so many of those things are just dead on. We'll get there!
Ugh I can relate to this post in SO many ways! My daughter was born 1 day shy of 41 weeks and that last week was something else! xox
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awww. well the good news is they will give baby and eviction notice soon .lol
and yes about wearing the same 3 outfits…buy hey. it makes it super easy to get dressed 🙂