I have been a member of a book club for almost three and half years now. Let me clarify though… I am a satellite member of a book club in Texas. My friends and I had the idea to start a book club as a way to read, get together once a month for a meal, and just stay updated on life as we began to grow apart, get married, have babies, etc.
We didn’t know if it would really last when we started. Sarah tried to convince us to have a movie club instead… but amazingly enough, it’s been almost three and half a years and book club is still going strong. Unfortunately, right after we set up our club and figured out how it would work (we rotate through who picks the next book, and that person also hosts dinner and dicussion when the month is over), I moved back to Seattle. However, I still try to stay involved in book club as much as possible. I read the book most months, and sometimes call in during discussion and give my thoughts. I also have picked a couple of the books over the past few years – either when visiting Texas or when friends were visiting me in Seattle. Yes, we had book club two days before my wedding. In fact, I hosted a book club lunch immediately before my bachelorette party started. Like I said, we are pretty committed. We even have t-shirts (see below).
Over the years, our book club has taken the official title of “The Yet to be Named Book Club.” We even have a blog, although we haven’t really posted anything on it yet. In the coming weeks, I will post some of my favorite reads since book club began. But until then I will just leave you with some book club photo goodness. I definitely encourage you to think about joining or starting a book club. It’s a great way to make new friends, keep in touch with old ones, and have accountability for reading on a regular basis.