{See Zianne’s nursery here}
In just a few months I will have two children under two. Z is most definitely a toddler now, running around and talking like crazy, but when it comes down to logistics, we are basically going to have two BABIES living with us for awhile. I have surrendered the idea of getting Z potty trained or into a real bed before the baby arrives, since she’ll only be 21 months old. I figure we might have a year with two in diapers and cribs and that’s okay.
Thankfully, we won’t need a lot to keep this second baby of ours alive. Car seat… check. Bibs, bottles, and Boppy… check, check, check. But we do need a few items to keep things rolling smoothly in our household as toddler and newborn worlds collide. In my mind, the most important items are…
Here is my very small Amazon registry and my even smaller Target registry in case you are wondering how to plan for two under two yourself!
Hello 🙂 First of all, I love your blog! I don't know why it has taken me so long to comment.
My husband and I are also getting ready for our second baby. Our daughter will be 23 months when her little sister gets here….heart eyes 🙂
Anyway, we are realizing that we basically need a whole new monitor system with two cameras since we haven't been satisfied at all with our first. Have you liked your video monitor you used with Z (I saw you registered for the second camera)? Also, we do a lot of traveling, and I know you've taken Z several places you've talked about here. Have you found it easy to travel with?
Thanks for the help!