A while back, I did some “winter cleaning” around the apartment. It really was only about a month ago. I could not wait for my lovely month-long Christmas break to finally clean out some spaces in our home that never really got fully moved into – if you know what I mean. Micah was a gem and sorted out our guest room (aka room with a bed in it that houses every single item that doesn’t fit anywhere else in our apartment) in the months after we moved in. He did a great job making the room sleep-able for guests, but it never fully got organized the way I would like it. So I spent my weeks after Christmas organizing the guest room and some of our closets and trying to get rid of stuff (Did you know I hate “stuff”? I am such a minimalist. Micah is not. We are working through it…)
The guest room is nowhere near where I want it to be. It is still so crammed full of…. “stuff.” But at least now it’s somewhat organized, and I tried to make it as cute and homey as possible. Here are some pics. Feel free to come visit. The guest room is all yours! And I’ve heard Arizona springs are lovely!
This is how it began… talk about stress central… but Micah actually sorted through most of this.
Thanks Hubs!
Micah actually agreed to get rid of all these old dress shirts. What a feat!
Closet in progress…. (I forgot to get a really good “before” pic, but I assure you, it was awful!)
Closet almost finished…
Bookshelf in progress… stuff, stuff, everywhere! Ah!
Bookshelf all finished, which means alphabetized! English nerd for life…
Our little desk…
Another closet… if you think this looks cluttered, you should have seen it before. But I also forgot to take a good “before pic” of this one. Again, it was awful.
The bed…waiting for visitors!
Good work….so basically your guest room is your room at your parents' house. I'll be in that bed very soon.
The thing I love most about all of this is that you arrange your books alphabetically for the love of Engligh…despite all the design blogs trying to get us all to arrange by color:)
Ooh…cleaning and organizing….not fun but always necessary:)