Well, I survived. NASCAR that is. If there is anything in this world that I hate, it’s NASCAR. However, Micah’s cousin and his wife came to town and wanted to attend one of the big races at Phoenix International Speedway, so we agreed to go with them. Actually, Micah agreed. I consented reluctantly.
You see, I’ve actually been to NASCAR before. During my first year teaching and coaching in Texas, I somehow got roped into going to a NASCAR race as a volunteer to help our school’s softball and baseball teams work at a food booth. I didn’t really want to go and wasn’t really obligated to as I didn’t coach either of those sports, but one of the coaches pulled the “coaches should help each other out; I would help you with volleyball” card, so I found myself conned into it. The day consisted of hot weather, gross greasy food and an array of people that left me wide-eyed and disgusted. If you witnessed a 40 year-old woman wearing a nearly-transparent white bodysuit without a bra walk up to a 17 year-old boy to order a baked potato, you might not view NASCAR in the most positive light either…
This time though, I was not a volunteer but a spectator. I actually got to sit on the track and watch the race cars zoom in circles going 130 mph. Or something like that. I have to admit that the first ten laps were pretty exciting and the last ten were fun, but the 292 in the middle were rather boring. Good thing I had my new CANON REBEL camera to keep me busy! I would just take 200 pics during the exciting parts of the race and then go through and delete the bad ones during all boring laps.
I must say, the crowd in Phoenix seemed a lot more tame than the crowd at Texas. We did see a painted mustache, a few crazy hats, a couple of promiscuously dressed girls, and a few people wearing overalls and the like, but I definitely was not disgusted the way I was at Texas Motor Speedway. Except for the psycho girl in front of us who consumed margarita after margarita during the entire race and stood up and cheered the WHOLE time {we are talking 3.5 hours here}, everyone else seemed pretty calm and respectable. The highlight of the day is when margarita girl jumped up and down so much that she splashed her drink on her own face and didn’t even stop cheering to wipe it off. At least her guy won the race, so I guess it was worth it…
We tried to fit into the NASCAR scene as much as possible, which required a couple of trips to the thrift store to find the perfect t-shirts for the event. Pair a Jeff Gordon tee with some boots and you are ready to hit the race track. Here is what.we.wore:
Love this. you guys played the part well! And your pictures turned out great!I'm actually looking into that camera!
How fun that you guys went to NASCAR!! You guys are too cute!
This post had me laughing my socks off!! Ha ha ha….and this is what THEY wore. bahahah…."It's for my blog!" Story of our lives.
The new camera takes amazing pictures and you can rock a cowboy hat like no other….just maybe you don't have to go to Nascar events to do it! 😉
Glad you still had fun….with margarita lady at that! 🙂
love you!!
bahaha I didn't even know NASCAR counted as a sport! Very strange. And your picture taking by stealth skills are amazing 🙂 I tried to get a picture of a girl dressed as a cat at our state fair. Got caught, and the picture didn't even turn out! lol
Okay I must confess the I LOVE Nascar. Now I've only been to one race at Bristol Motor Speedway & I was very reluctant to take my 12 year old BUT all turned out well. The crowd there was extremely calm & I actually enjoyed the race. At least this experience was a bit better than the last one.
Jen, first thanks for guest posting Melanie and adding it to our vB Christian Mom's Blog Hop!
Love the photo from the angle of the sun glasses…great shot!
I'm going to Melanie's site and also checking out your guest post! My husband is a Mesa Boy! Yeah AZ!
This is so funny! Love all of your attire and I especially love your photos from your new camera!
You guys are too funny! 🙂 Love your Nascar 'outfits'! That picture of the reflection in the shades looks awesome!
These pictures are awesome!
Well it looks like you had fun in the end and I love what you sported there! Super cute! I don't think I'd be the biggest fan of going to a Nascar race either but this actually looks really fun! 🙂 Thanks for linking this up to my blog cute girl!!!
Bahahaha this cracked me UP! A) those girls don't need to be matching and the clothes are AWFUL and B) oh, the life of a blogger. The things we do for them!