I have never been a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, even during the years Micah and I were dating. It’s just a slightly weird holiday. As one of my blogging friends put it, it’s not a real holiday unless you get the day off work. I am inclined to agree. It turns out they don’t cancel class for Valentine’s Day either, and Mondays just so happen to be my busiest day of the week on campus. Let’s just say I was rapidly reading homework with wet hair from the shower like 20 minutes before our guests arrived. In fact, after dinner, when everyone wanted to take some pictures, I excused myself to the bathroom first to apply minimal make-up and run a straigtener through my hair first. I’m not typically overly concerned with cosmetics – but I didn’t want my pale face and the frizzy post-shower hair I sported during dinner to be forever recorded in photos on Facebook. Call me a romantic, I guess…
However, over the past two to three years I have grown out of my aversion to February 14th. Now, I probably won’t ever love it as much as my friend, Stace, but I now get Micah a gift and we do a special dinner or something. In the past, I have cooked, but this year Micah changed things up on me… he cooked!!! And we had friends over for a little double date at home. Although my Monday was stressful, I must admit grilled steak and four dessert choices were a nice way to finish the evening. Micah even did the dishes – maybe V-Day should get some kind of national observance after all. Micah doing the dishes is somewhat equivalent to getting the day off work and should be observed around the country if you ask me!
Here are some pics of a fun night with friends…
Haha! Thanks for the tag in your blog… 🙂 Um, your meal looks FABULOUS! Good job, men! Those desserts look heavenly… Very impressed. And I knew you would come around on Valentine's Day, despite your dressing-in-black college years. 🙂 Love you!!!
P.S. Those men have good grabs on you ladies…