Today, I have the lovely Blair from Wild & Precious finishing up our series on rest. If you haven’t visited her blog, you are missing out! She is funny and godly and has the cutest baby girl in the world!
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As Americans (or most humans on earth for that matter) rest is a very very difficult thing. I think it is because we are afraid of what we will hear/feel/see/do if we actually just stop and sit still for a minute and we don’t want to admit that we aren’t in control of our own lives — as if we stop for just one minute the world will stop spinning. Whether we are crunching the clock at the office or just filling our idle time with reruns of the Cosby Show, we find ways to fill the minutes of each day with anything but rest. I am so very guilty of this. I treat time alone sometimes as a waste of time, but in reality I need so much more of it.
What is God trying to tell you, but your too busy to hear?
Are you resting in Christ to get you through the day, or something/someone else?
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A favorite verse of mine is Isaiah 30:15 —
In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and strength is your trust.
Oh, how my heart needs this — rest and quietness! The verse is not “in yourself and through your actions is your salvation,” but repentance and rest! Not in “busyness” but quietness!
Praise God! That is such good news!
I simply love Blair, and what a great guest post! She really does point out something so important about rest, and how in those moment we realize we aren't in control of our lives, and so many of us keep going and going and going without every slowing down! So glad you featured her because it brought me to your lovely blog! Yay all around! 🙂
love love love Blair!
that isaiah verse has been a new fav
i love the question what is God trying to teach you but you are too busy to hear. Most days i fill up every second with something. Definitely something I am working on! have a great weekend!
I really need to remember this and allow myself rest in Christ during the day. We are moving and have a million other things going on right now that I get easily stressed, worried and overwhelmed and I can't seem to figure out what to do to calm me down. I am going to try pray and spend time with the Lord!