So today we are going to play a little game…
Because for some reason, I can’t figure out what to write about today. This is not the norm. In fact, in the almost two years since I started this blog, I have NEVER not had something to write about. There are days, even weeks, where I have written nothing because I have been too busy or out of town or something… but I’ve never once sat down to write and not had the words flow easily from my fingers.
And I have a million things I need to write about. Pictures that sit unedited, half written posts hanging out in my drafts folder, recipes I’ve been planning to share for months… but none of those want to be written today for some reason.
So instead you get to be the writers today… yes, you.
Whadya want to know?
I have recently been getting some fun questions from readers via email and judging by my stats many of you are visiting my FAQ page only to be disappointed that there is NOTHING there… oops.
So let’s do this thing.
What do you want to know about me? This blog? My crazy husband {I mean that in the most loving way of course}? Our beliefs? Why the heck I am in the middle of a six year stint in grad school? What is the “research” I always talk about? How I can stand running on a treadmill? Why I am a former Seattlite that says “y’all” a lot?
Today is the day. Ask anything and everything in the comments below and I will answer all your questions in a post next week. I can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!
Where did you go to undergrad and grad school? (As a fellow Seattlite, I'm intrigued) What was your degree in?
Also, how on earth do you find time to write a blog so frequently when you're also teaching AND going to school? I'm in awe 🙂
Are you a sports person?! Do you play any, watch any regularly? 🙂
when are you guys gonna have little russums?!
When you decide to enjoy all that ice cream living in your freezer, will you PUH-LEEEZE think of me with each delicious bite? Thank you. Sincerely, Milk Allergy Sufferer
In other news, what do you love most about being married? As someone who LOVES being married, I love hearing from other couples. I'm a helpless, sappy, ridiculous, pathetic romantic. And someone who restarts the dryer NUMEROUS times.
Good day, Y'all.
Nicole @ Three 31
I second Ruthies question. (I also want to hear from her when a little Hart is going to be on the way 🙂 how did you end up going to TCU and why were you in TX for 6 years? When did you become a Christian? What is your all time favorite book?
Why were you the weirdest roommate in the Greenhouse?