You know how some weekends just feel perfect? That was this past Veteran’s Day weekend for us. Veteran’s Day on a Friday? Yes, please.
We convinced our dearest friends, the Bakers, that we could all squeeze into our tiny beach house for the weekend (they have twin three year-old boys). They took us up on the offer, and came into town on Thursday night. We rearranged rooms and had kids sleeping on the floor and it all worked out perfectly. We spent the whole weekend playing, talking, eating, and laughing. It was like the good ol’ days of hanging out with them in Arizona, but possibly better because we didn’t go home at the end of the night. We just woke up each morning and kept the party going.
We had literally no agenda for their visit, but we managed to fill the weekend with all sorts of adventure:
Sidecar Doughnuts… a must-do when we have visitors.
Beach day (sand castles for the kids, surfing for the guys, hand-dipped corn dogs for lunch).
Dinner (build your own pizza night) with our former pastor and his family.
Game night.
Bike rides.
Marina Park with the kids.
Picnic lunch.
Family pictures on the beach at sunset.
Pot roast dinner.
Campfire and s’mores on the beach.
Another game night.
Farmer’s Market.
Brunch at the restaurant around the corner.
It was seriously the best. Parenting together, laughing together, talking about everything – the spiritual and the silly. As we slowly build community in Orange County, it was so nice to have a refreshing weekend with close friends – people who know us well and love us deeply. The Bakers vowed to come back before we move away from the beach, and I can’t wait to do it all over again.