Growing // My guess is roughly 24 pounds. She is huge and immobile and likes to flop into dead weight when I pull her out of her crib.
Sleeping // Zianne has always been a great sleeper, but her naps are extra amazing right now. Her morning nap gets delayed most mornings because we don’t get back to the gym until 11am-ish. She sometimes falls asleep on the way home, and even though she wakes up getting out of the car, as soon as I start walking down the hall toward her room, she crashes her head into my shoulder, starts sucking her thumb, and falls asleep the moment I set her in her crib. I often have to wake her up at 12:30, so she will still take her late afternoon nap, which has been lasting from 3-5. Zianne is also out like a light at nights. We try to start bedtime around 8pm, and some nights she will only nurse for a few minutes before looking at me with a disgruntled face that says “Mom, just put me in my crib already.” However, we’ve been through a rough couple of weeks with Z waking up between 5:30 and 6:30am. She is content to stay in her crib, but she rarely falls back asleep. I can also rarely go back to sleep once I hear her, but I don’t want to get her up and start a bad habit, so mornings have been a bit restless for both of us. We are both tired yet not sleeping, and it’s no fun. However, she’s finally slept until 7:30 the past three mornings, so hopefully we are in the clear!
Eating // Zianne is basically on all table foods, except I sometimes still give her a puree just to make sure she’s getting enough veggies. She loves meat, yogurt, string cheese, and anything carb-y such as pasta, bread, cereal, and crackers. She is her mother’s daughter. She is also still nursing four times a day, but I’m planning to drop her late afternoon feeding as soon as she turns 11 months. She’s not that interested in it and would rather eat a big dinner instead.
Wearing // I’ve been slowly packing up the 18 month clothes and she is fully in 24 month onesies with some 18 month shirts, shorts, and dresses that should carry us through the summer. It’s weird to thing that Z will probably be in a consistent size (24 month/2T) the entire fall and I can actually design a little wardrobe for her that she will actually wear longer than two weeks.
Doing // I’ll tell you what she’s not doing… crawling! However, she can finally scoot on her elbows and knees in straight line if we set a desirable object (usually towers of blocks) 2-3 feet from her reach. She’ll wiggle her way toward them and knock them over. But if something is too far away, she’ll give up and lie on her stomach sucking her thumb. She has also fallen in love with her Fisher Price Xylophone and she’ll sit and play music on it all day long which is the cutest. She still doesn’t say any words (except “dadadada” on repeat), but I’m fairly convinced she has tried to “quack” like a duck a few times and I finally caught her making the “ma” sound. It’s only happened twice so far, but up until now she has been unable {or refused?} to make any “mmmm” sounds.
Loving // Watching big kids play all around her, going to the gym childcare, going to swim lessons, drinking ice water from her sippy cup, eating paper and wood products {such as napkins, coasters, board books, etc.}
Loathing // Getting her face wiped with anything wet, being put on her stomach to practice crawling especially if she was already sitting and playing with toys
Daddy’s girl // Micah and I have handled Z’s early waking differently. I try to ignore it and go back to sleep, but for the first few days he was quick to jump out of bed, get her out of her crib, and bring her into our bed. As soon as she entered our room, I would pick up my pillow and march out to the couch to try to sneak in another hour of sleep. He was wishfully thinking that Zianne would curl up next to him on the big bed and go back to sleep like she did in her newborn days. We all know that’s not how it works. Usually I would go back into our room an hour later to find Zianne sideways across the bed, babbling, and kicking Micah in the back as he tried {and failed} to sleep. He learned his lesson and she now babbles in her own crib if she wakes up extra early.
Mishaps and milestones // I don’t know that it’s a milestone, but Zianne officially knows how to dance now. As soon as she hears music, whether on the radio, TV, or even just from one of her toys, she starts bouncing immediately. Then she throws one arm out and makes her hand flop up and down to the music – Beyonce “put a ring on it” style.
She is such a cutie!!! I want to pinch her! Noelle just started saying Mama, finally! and also just started dancing! So funny!