Your dad started calling you “Bean” when you were a few weeks old. I’m not sure if it was just how tiny you seemed compared to Zianne, who was nearing two at the time. Or maybe it was just because you looked so cute and round wrapped up in your little swaddle. Whatever the reason, it stuck.
Talitha Bean.
The Bean.
That’s you.
So when it came time to plan your first birthday, I knew I wanted to incorporate jelly beans to symbolize our sweet little bean. It wasn’t a fancy party. Just some cupcakes by the pool with friends on a Sunday afternoon…
I took you out to dinner the night before your birthday. Your last day as a baby. You sat in that high chair looking like a toddler, eating your chicken nuggets and sipping from a juice box. You gave me a sweet but coy smile as you looked over at me, as if you knew you were on the cusp of toddlerhood and a whole new world of adventure and freedom. As you sat there in your jean jacket like a big girl, you looked less like a bean than you ever had. Yet, I know you will always be Bean to your dad and me. Our precious second daughter, sweet and strong.
Happy birthday cute girl!!!
Her grumpy little precious!