Growing // No well check this month, but I would guess T-Bean is at least 19 pounds by now. She is holding herself up well, so it’s fairly easy to carry her around on my hip, thankfully.
Eating // Talitha nurses five times a day – usually around 7:30/8, 10:30/11, 1:30/2, 5:00ish, and 8/8:30. She has been begging to start solids (she grabbed a whole sandwich in both hands and tried to put it in her mouth at a picnic the other day and she dives into dad’s plate every night at dinner), so I finally gave in a few weeks ago and let her try some sweet potatoes and then some carrots. She’s officially eaten two jars of baby food in her whole life, and she loved them.
Wearing // T is pretty much in 12 months clothes, but I am still putting her in some nine month long sleeve onesies. We have almost no cold-weather clothing for the girls since we’ve only lived in warm climates since they’ve been born. It’s actually still quite warm in SoCal, but on the rare cool day or in the evening, I just try to dress Talitha in what we have, even if it’s a little too small or too big (second child problems). I did break down and buy a couple new hoodies and jackets for her a few weeks ago.
Doing // Girlfriend wants to be on her stomach all the time (including sleeping). She perches like a seal and rolls and wiggles her way to toys. She wants to crawl but hasn’t quite figured out how to lift her stomach off the ground. Has started eating purees, but acts like she’s ready to eat bread, meat, and any other solid she could get her hands on. Takes her paci in and out of her mouth and gnaws on the side of it.
Loving // Loves baths, Sophie, her orange plush ball, chewing her feet, watching sissy, eating with a plastic spoon, being lifted up high above mommy or daddy’s head
Loathing // She is so good-natured it’s hard to say she loathes anything, but these are a few of the things that make her lose her grin… getting buckled into her car seat (but doesn’t mind the car), getting dressed, the time between dinner and bedtime (unless she has constant engagement and activity), and she hates being read to (sad face!). If you put a book in front of her that she can’t chew on, she gets angry. She demands to thrust the cover in her mouth, and then it becomes impossible to turn the pages.
Milestones // Talitha had her first Halloween (she was a mouse!) and Thanksgiving (in Arizona with family). She conquered Disneyland, not once but twice, and loved it both times. She lasted over 12 hours at the park each time we went, hardly slept, and smiled the whole day. She tried sweet potatoes and carrots, and decided eating solids is the best thing ever.
**Read other monthly updates here.