Now that it’s AUGUST{!!!}, I guess I should share my summer goals with y’all. Some of my best friends and I have made a summer goals list every summer for the past 8 or 9 years. Usually our goals are a mix of practical to-dos, fun events, new projects to try, and possibly some intellectual or spiritual aspirations. I actually made my list way back in May like we normally do every year, but for some reason I forgot to share it on the blog {and by “some” reason I mean traveling, moving and prepping for a baby}, but it’s not too late. My goal is to get these things done by Baby Russum’s arrival in mid-September…
Get wedding dress professionally cleaned
Read Baby Wise {halfway done!}
Organize and make all recipes
Clean photos off computer and cloud
Read, clip, and discard lingering magazine pile
Get new house organized and decorated before baby’s arrival
Usually my list is a little more adventurous, but since growing and having a baby is my grandest adventure yet, my list is bit more low key this year. And just FYI, I did get my wedding dressed clean. I’m not sure if it was a waste of $100 or not. I figure I can’t sell it or lend it to anyone unless it’s clean. I could, however, keep it crumpled in the back of the closet with its grass stains and use it for random dress-up nights. Can’t say that hasn’t happened before…
haha those are great photos!!
I have yet to clean my dress, and it's been almost 5 years. Eeks!! Love all of your to-do's before the baby comes!
I haven't even looked at my wedding dress in years! I think it's in my in-law's basement. haha! But it would be fun to have it for random dress-up nights! 🙂
My mom had mine cleaned right after the wedding and forgot to show them the giant stain running down the front from champagne that Ben spilled on it. So it's permanently there. oh well! I'm thinking next year for our 10th I'll wear it again and we'll do a trash the gown photo shoot! Hopefully I can fit in it?