Well, I’m
happy to announce that I am on officially on summer break! As of Friday
afternoon, all my papers were submitted and all my grades were entered and my
break began! If you know me at all, you know that I am beyond excited about
this. Some of you may love autumn leaves, Christmas festivities or the first
signs of spring, but I LOVE SUMMER. I simply love it. The heat, the swimming
pool, getting tan, reading for fun, going on vacations, sitting on the patio
after dinner with the warm evening air all around me. I love it all. Sometimes
I think I only went into a teaching career to protect and savor my absolute
favorite season. Is loving summer break a bad motive to be a teacher???
But the
weeks leading up to summer vacation can be pretty brutal on this little
teacher/grad student. However, this semester’s round of final papers was
not as bad as it has been in the past. I had an awesome group of students this
semester and their final projects were a breeze to read and grade. My own papers
were parts of ongoing projects for me, so they were a little less overwhelming to
write than usual and will also benefit my career in the future. Winning all around.
Basically, I only had to stay up writing past midnight ONCE during the final
week of the semester. That is unheard
of people, but pretty glorious if you ask me. Here are some snapshots of my
past few {semi} crazy weeks…
weeks leading up to summer vacation can be pretty brutal on this little
teacher/grad student. However, this semester’s round of final papers was
not as bad as it has been in the past. I had an awesome group of students this
semester and their final projects were a breeze to read and grade. My own papers
were parts of ongoing projects for me, so they were a little less overwhelming to
write than usual and will also benefit my career in the future. Winning all around.
Basically, I only had to stay up writing past midnight ONCE during the final
week of the semester. That is unheard
of people, but pretty glorious if you ask me. Here are some snapshots of my
past few {semi} crazy weeks…
Some reading for class // Trying to eat a bit healthier after way too much traveling and too many parties this spring // Just rockin’ my book club t-shirt while writing papers
Mr. Basil 2.0 – I killed last year’s plant, but I have great hopes for this one // Amazing bacon and jalapeño Mac and Cheese while studying. So much for the eating healthy thing… but worth it!
One of my
former YoungLife girls came to visit {and we made a pizza}.
So blessed
by this long-lasting friendship!
former YoungLife girls came to visit {and we made a pizza}.
So blessed
by this long-lasting friendship!
I made this s’more cake for a friend’s birthday. Don’t get too excited. It looked better than it tasted. Recipe needs to be tweaked before I post it on the blog. The good news is that I nailed my mom’s homemade chocolate frosting though! // I don’t mind this weather one bit!
So I know I am like 20 years behind the times, but I am newly obsessed with granola yogurt parfaits…
with bananas. And strawberries too!
This. This is my obsession. JUST BUNCHES. Worth multiple trips to Target and Walmart to find it. // Study snack. PB hold the J.
Last day at class at ASU. I always bring my students donuts.
Just buying
a necessity for my new beach cruiser!!! // Okay, so one
of my New Year’s goals is to be on time. I am getting a little bit better,
especially for certain events, but I am still late all too often. This is my
“Ugh, I’m late again” face.
a necessity for my new beach cruiser!!! // Okay, so one
of my New Year’s goals is to be on time. I am getting a little bit better,
especially for certain events, but I am still late all too often. This is my
“Ugh, I’m late again” face.
My paper writing got rudely interrupted by some pool maintenance when our pool decided to quit working suddenly and grow algae overnight. Ewww…. P.S. I don’t love pool maintenance in case you couldn’t tell by my face. // This guy turned three last weekend and I gave him some basil seeds to plant for his mama. Let’s see if his basil plant does better than mine…. It probably will.
Just me, my books, some iced coffee, and a muffin. Bliss! // Just doing some “netnography.” Loving this new term to describe my research.
A perfect spring night with our missional community. Love them all!
There you have it… a mix of hard work and fun, as always. I love my life. Feeling so blessed right now.
*Linking up with Finding Beauty in the Ordinary and Bits of Splendor
{and maybe Life Rearranged… if I remember!}*
i would love to be one of your students. free donuts!
and that is one great forecast.
Fun to catch up and LOOK at all those donuts, I would be in HEAVEN! Love that lipstick on you too and your new header is beautiful too!
Congratulations on finishing out the semester! I feel like there should be a ceremony for that as well as for graduation. College semesters can be brutal.
I know what you mean about the pool maintenance. My parents have a pool and have been paying to have it opened and closed the past few years, but when I still lived at home, we did it ourselves. I absolutely hated it.
gotta LOVE being on summer break!! def happy it is finally here!!!
Can I come lay by the pool with you this summer?! We're out June 1 and I can't wait!!!!!!
ummm FOOD GASM! That cake looks amazing, even if it doesnt taste good haha. And the mac and cheese..share!! Happy summer! I should have been in education!
That cake….
I had planned on being a teacher for awhile… granted that didn't work out, but now I greatly wish it did if just for summer vacations… haha. 🙂
so fun! Cannot wait for summertime festivities!
Jealous! That frosting makes that cake look delicious!
Loving summer break is not at all a bad reason to be a teacher. I did the same thing. It also works well for family. Hey there found you through the link up. Happy to be your newest follower. AND Holy HECK it' s HOT where you live!!