Here are some of the pictures off the fancy cam from our trip to San Diego {finally}. Gosh, Micah and I really love San Diego. We stood on our balcony the second morning there and just stared at the beautiful harbor and talked about living there someday. It really is so beautiful. Not quite hot enough for our tastes, but having the ocean as a neighbor could probably make up for the lack of heat. Everywhere I went around town, I was just fascinated. Watching the moms jog along the beach with their strollers and wondering if that would ever be me someday. Driving through beautiful neighborhoods overlooking the ocean and wondering if we could ever live in a house like that. Thinking about how there are four amazing universities in this town where I could work in the future. Wandering along the beach, trying different coffee shops, gorging myself on Mexican food. Life is good in SD.
San Diego
Micah and I would love to live there someday, but only if that is God’s plan for us, of course… And when I remember that despite all the beauty, the sunshine and the fresh ocean breezes, gas cost me $4.35 a gallon, I don’t know if that will ever be His plan for us. Nashville, anyone???
Love the pic of those houses. Love! 🙂
Continue to enjoy your time with Micah and traveling, it is soo soo special for building a strong foundation before kids come. I truly treasure every day Aaron and I had before Sophie – she is the light of our lives and I could not imagine our life without her but those 2 years were special for us. xx
Great pictures! That tandem bike looks so fun too, I've always wanted to try one of those! 🙂
Glad you are enjoying life!
Yaaaaaay! Beautiful photos!!! Makes me miss it so much!
ps- you could live in Alpine or Santee. They are a more inland and get quite a bit warmer than the rest of the city (in the 100s during summer) but you're still really close to the beach 🙂
pps- I still think you're crazy for liking hot weather.
I love all of these photos 🙂 So cute!
You are rockin the blue dress with the fur jacket! Love it!
How fun is a tandem bicycle! Love it! 🙂 And that last pic!?! Rowr! Look at you!!! 😉
Ah, this makes me so happy! What a fun trip! I've loved seeing your instagrams. I've always wanted to ride a tandem bike!!! There are lots of places we'd love to live too…one of them being Nashville! 🙂
you look smokin' in that dress!!! awww, this most made me miss san diego, the most beautiful city ever!!! i could totally see you guys living there. it makes me happy that you would choose that city if you were to move anywhere because i know i would still get to visit you 🙂
Looks like so much fun! This is a random question, but where did you get your white sandals? Love them 🙂
I live in San Diego! I agree it truly is a beautiful city and even though I've lived here for so long I still don't take any of it for granted. Looks like you had a nice trip.