I got my first and only pair of Tom’s long before they had been seen on the feet of any hipster or high schooler. I first learned about Tom’s WAY back when they were featured in the Real Simple 2006 holiday gift guide. I thought they were cute and liked the mission of the company, so I asked for {and received} them for my birthday the following year. Army green Tom’s. In my closet. Since 2007.
But here’s thing thing. I never wear my Tom’s. I think this is for two reasons. One… I think they look weird on my feet. My feet are slightly wide and since Tom’s are narrow, it’s a strange combo. Secondly, I don’t dress casually very often, so Tom’s rarely seem appropriate for my outfit. I should correct that… I dress casually all the time… in my sweaty gym clothes and my sweats at home. But I don’t really have a “casual” look other than that. When I dress up, I dress up for reals. Therefore my strange-fitting Tom’s sit in my closet collecting dust for months on end.
However, this weekend we went to the Phoenix Open golf tournament with some of our friends. We went last year as well and I made the mistake of wearing shoes that were uncomfortable to walk around in. I didn’t want to make the same mistake twice, so I pulled on my Tom’s Saturday morning, thinking they would be comfortable for the day’s events. It was maybe my 10th time ever wearing them.
Moral of the story… when I finally took my little canvas shoes off 12 hours later I think I could see a faint bruise on the top of my right foot. I’m pretty sure my granny chic feet were yelling “What the H are these?! Give me pointy toe flats pronto!”
Tom’s and I don’t get along. Maybe I’ll pull them out and give them another try in 2014.
You also wore them at the beginning of this month. Boom.
This is funny! I have very wide feet too. I still haven't brought myself to buy a pair of these…
Oh I love my Toms, but there is a break in curve!
So when I got my first pair the website and everyone tell you to buy your size. They fit small, yada yada. Ok, so I did… I could hardly wear the things for the first three months. That is NOT comfort to me. Definitely going to have to go a size larger if I get more.
I've got the wide feet problem, too. I've seen so many cute patterns of Toms, but I just don't love the way they look on. sigh. There needs to be more shoe people with a great mission! xx
yah i couldn't wear toms either because my feet would look so weird in them. my husband has a pair and he said they get his feet really sweaty really quick and really sweaty feet make for sweaty and smelly shoes.