So I have this “postpartum bucket list” that I made when I was very pregnant last summer and was lamenting all the things I couldn’t or probably shouldn’t do during my third trimester of pregnancy. This list includes a few things that I haven’t accomplished yet, such as stand up paddle boarding and riding the roller coaster at Mission Beach {but I’m headed to San Diego in September, so watch out!}, and a number of things I have accomplished, such as devouring a turkey wrap from Jason’s Deli, drinking a glass of Pinot Grigio, and going to a trampoline venue, where I basically looked like this…
Last week I checked yet another item off my list, which was really more of a life goal, but somehow became a post-baby-having event. And it was this… going Gwen-Stefani-in-your-face platinum blonde. I’ve been building up to it for the past year now, adding more and more highlights in lighter shades, but I went in last week and basically said “Okay, enough of this gradual stuff. Let’s do this thang!” and proceed to have my head doused in peroxide and toner for the next six hours of my life. Why my hair always takes twice as long as anyone else in the salon I will never know. Thankfully, I expected it and ate a cheeseburger on the way there…
The first few days were a bit alarming and every time I looked in the mirror I felt like straw was growing out of my head {which is probably what my hair is turning into after all that processing}. I started considering adding lowlights back in almost right away, but now that I’ve had a few days to experience life as Gwen Stefani, the platinum is starting to grow on me.
I think I’ll rock it for a while…
usually i do NOT like platinum hair but girl, i think it works for you! 🙂
Dang, girl, work it! Looks fabulous!
It looks great!!!
Love your hair! I also love the turquoise blue on you, pretty dress. And dang, jumping that high, wish I could do that
from the link up, jess
please stop by
You can pull off the platinum for sure! I couldn't, I was made to have dark hair, but it looks good on you!
you look amazing. great color on you.
I like that riding the roller coaster at Mission Beach is on your list…you should do it! It's very rickety and shakes you around like no other!
I LOVE it!!
I LOVE it!!!! Looks great!
You are looking so cute, love the shade of that dress! 😉
God bless,
XO, Claire