Exactly two years ago during Christmas time, I signed up for Ebates after seeing a trusted, savvy blogger friend talk about it over Twitter. One of the best decisions I've ever made. Why? Because I get cash back for shopping online. I posted about Ebates a few times during the weekend after Thanksgiving and one friend asked me, "Is it legit?" The answer is YES! I'm not really sure how the business transaction works between Ebates and the stores, but I'm sure Ebates gets a cut from retailers, the stores are hoping rebates drive sales, and then you get cash back on your purchases. Everybody wins! But you don't actually have to spend extra money on your end. You just buy exactly what you were already planning to buy from almost any online retailer and Ebates will kick you back a little cash. Every few months they send you the balance on your account in the form of a "big fat payment," otherwise known as a real check sent in the mail. I have literally made a few hundred dollars over the past few years. Here is how it works. If you sign up for an ebates account and scan their page you will see tons of retailers offering rebates... and I'm talking about great stores like Nordstrom, Etsy, Kohl's, Amazon, J.Crew, Walmart, and the list goes on. The secret is to install the Ebates cash back button. This is a little button you install at the top of your browser. Anytime you are shopping online, the button will alert you if there is a rebate offered on the site you are browsing. You click "Activate cash back," wait 3-5 seconds while Ebates loads, and then continue your shopping. You won't notice anything different about your shopping experience, but Ebates will track your purchase and add a rebate to your account. Usually rebates are between 1-5%, but during the holidays some stores offer 6-25% back, so rebates can add up quickly during December. This is how it works... After you sign up for an Ebates account, install the cash back button. You can see it installed up in the upper right hand corner of my screen between my Amazon and Pinterest buttons. Then, shop as you usually would at your favorite retailers. I am eyeing this white and gray bath mat from Nordstrom. When I go to the Nordstrom website, I see the store is currently offering 6% cash back, so I click to activate the rebate. Briefly, I will see this window pop up. It usually last for five seconds or less, and then the page jumps right back to the shopping website. Now my cash back is active. I can add the bath mat to my cart and complete my order. If I buy the rug for $29.00, 6% of my purchase ($1.74) will be added to my Ebates balance. It might not seem like much, but it adds up over time and with larger purchases. If you get a few dollars back on every Christmas gift you buy this season, you will be able to buy yourself a gift with your rebate after the holidays are over. That's it! The cash back button makes it so easy to shop online and get money back at the same time. Ebates also has a mobile app, so you can shop from your phone as well. If you aren't using Ebates yet, you're crazy! :) Sign up here. You can thank me when your first check arrives! ... Read more
Dear Talitha {five months}
Dear Talitha, If I had a tagline for you, it would be: "You make me want a million babies." While many babies spend their first few months of life cuddled and swaddled, sleeping in pretty cribs in perfect nurseries, your life has been anything but delicate, comfortable, or low-paced. You still sleep in a pack 'n' play every night, as we figure out the room-sharing situation with your sister. You have endured more long car rides during our move than most babies do in their few years of life. You have nursed in the car countless times while we navigate our new city. Your schedule and surroundings have been a bit chaotic since birth, yet you are always in a cheerful mood. You are the essence of sweet, like your nickname "Sweet T." Your cheeks are always puffed out in a smile, making them perfect targets for my kisses. You like to hold my hand when you nurse. You light up when you see your sister across the room, and sometimes you giggle for no reason at all. You like to sit on dad's lap during dinner each night, and you reach his food with the determination of a hungry teenage boy, not like a tiny baby who has tasted purees only a handful of times. Your rosy cheeks and red hair and gentle demeanor are captivating, darling girl. I would seriously consider having a million babies if I knew they'd be as sweet as you. Love, Mama *Read other Dear Talitha letters here. ... Read more
December Goals
Hey! Hey! I have goals. What? I haven't formally written out my goals in months, due to moving craziness, but it's December, so I thought I'd accomplish a few things now and then gear up for a fresh set of yearly goals in 2016. Cheers to that. Get rid of sofa. We have a sofa sitting in our garage. It's in great condition, but it's so ugly that no one will buy it {Craig's List} for the ridiculously low price of $60. I'm embarrassed it was once in our house... but it was. Time to donate. Learn how to hip-carry with ring sling Print {and use} goal-tracker for dissertation writing Finish editing two chapters of dissertation Make yearly photo album Take coins to CoinStar and open vacation savings account with the cash Open Early Saver account for Talitha Bean ... Read more
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