About a month ago, I had the joy of hearing Elyse Fitzpatrick speak at a women's conference in town. She is hilarious, real, and so focused on the Gospel. I jotted down notes during each of her three sessions, but instead of leaving them forgotten in one of many spiral notebooks, I thought I would transcribe some of the highlights here. Hopefully these notes will encourage you and help me to reflect on them again as well. ON WOMANHOOD AND FEMINISM: Feminism is basically a list of rules: You must work... Don't let a man... Don't have kids if or until... We can't respond to feminism with more rules: Women must not work... Women should have lots of kids... Responding to the rules of feminism with more rules is futile. Rules don't change people's hearts. The Gospel changes hearts. The majority of 18-32 year old women are single, so stop implying that a woman's worth is in her uterus. Don't tell these women they are only valuable if they are married and having babies. Motherhood is not your highest calling. What then would you say to the woman who is single? Or barren? Luke 8 - Jesus didn't tell the women following him to "go home." Even those who were married, like Joanna wife of Chuza, had an active role serving Christ's ministry. Acts 16 - Lydia had gathered her female servants to pray. Paul shared the gospel with them and her whole household was saved. Paul didn't write them off as "just a bunch of women." Lydia continued to serve Paul during his time in Philippi. Romans 16 - Phoebe was entrusted to carry Paul's letters to the Romans - a hugely important task. ON MARRIAGE: We operate under the belief that if we follow the law in our relationships with others (for example: I will serve my husband by doing his laundry), they must follow the law in return (and serve us/owe us). This is tat for tat living, not the Gospel. Good news: Your husband can be WON without you saying a word. You can trust Christ to get to your husband's heart. Don't withdraw and pretend sin is not there. Jesus didn't avoid conflict. He confronted it with prayer and right words. We must love our spouse like no one else on earth ever will. GIFTS to give your husband: -Acceptance (YOU are fully accepted, but your sin is not.) -Truth (Confront your husband's sin and repent of your own sin.) -Prayer (Who is praying for your husband if not you? Pray also for yourself, that you will see your husband as Jesus does.) -Forgiveness (It's the oil that soothes all rough spots.) ON THE GOSPEL: Our sin is only bad news if we don't have a Savior. Your relationship with God is not based on your advancement in holiness. It's based on Christ's righteousness, now and always. It's not the gospel if it makes you feel pride OR despair. Justification: just as if I had never sinned, just as if I had always obeyed (This is your record before God.) When you hear GOOD news your response will not be "I'm going to try harder" but "Thank God for his great love for me!" ... Read more
From Death to Life
I hate drama and I try never to exaggerate, but here is the truth... I almost died a couple weeks ago. And yet, I didn't die. I walked away from what could have been a deadly incident completely unscathed. God's graciousness to me abounds. Here's the quick version to keep things as anti-dramatic as possible. I was driving home on the freeway from a women's meeting around 9:30pm on a Wednesday night. Two things to note: 1) This particular stretch of highway is under construction. The lanes have all been shifted. The shoulder is narrow. There are cones everywhere. It's this nine or ten mile awful project with no end-date in site. 2) It rained that evening, which is obviously super rare for the desert, so this bad stretch of roadway was extra slick. I really have no idea what happened. I was traveling in the fast lane, but not going any faster than the rest of the traffic around me. All of a sudden my car swerved a bit to the right toward the car next to me. I guess I over-corrected to the left and all of a sudden my car was fishtailing all over the freeway. I knew not to tap my brakes, or else I would spin, but finally the swerving was so out of control that I had to slow down. As soon as I hit the brake, my car did a completely 180 and slammed facing backward into the median at the center of the road. My car shut off immediately and I took a shaky breath before I realized the danger was far from over. I happened to be at a bend in the road and within seconds a car was flying at me going probably 70mph. Since the road was under construction and the shoulder was only 3-4 feet wide, my car was not entirely out of the carpool lane. In fact, my body was physically sitting in the carpool lane, inside my car, and as cars rounded the bend going full speed, they had about 30-40 yards to react to my car blocking their path. Cars were swerving and honking as they avoided hitting me head-on. I was fumbling all over, trying to remember where my emergency flashers were, but quickly realized my best bet was to flash my headlights and honk my horn to alert drivers zooming around the bend. I knew I had to get out of my car... it would just take one driver not paying attention and my car and my body would be smashed to pieces. As soon as there was a break in traffic and I could see no headlights coming in the two lanes closest to me, I bolted from my car, phone in hand, leaving everything else behind. I ran along the narrow shoulder toward oncoming traffic until I was safely around the bend and could no longer see my car, leaving a safe distance between me and any debris that would result if someone hit my vehicle head-on. I pressed my back to the median, trying to keep space between myself and the unknowing cars flying past me, and called 911. The responders told me help was on the way and we hung up. It was probably only a minute or two before the first police car flew past, but it felt like an eternity, and as each 70 mph car whizzed past my face, I kept expecting the next sound to be the horrible noise of metal on metal as someone hit my car just around the bend. Here is where the miracles began piling on top of each other... with the biggest one being that I was alive and well at this point. The cops shut down the freeway and asked if my car was drive-able. I was able to pull it around and get it to the nearby exit lane on the opposite side of the road. We looked at my car with flashlights and there seemed to be no significant damage other than a few scratches on the hubcaps. Since there were no other cars involved in the accident and I was not physically injured, the police were merely there to help me. I didn't get a ticket. They didn't even have to fill out an accident report since I would not make an insurance claim with such minor damages. I decided to have them follow me off the exit to make sure my car was working properly, and when doing so, I could hear a low grinding sound in one tire. Upon further inspection we noticed that my back wheel was bent slightly. The officers waited patiently with me in a parking lot while Micah came to pick me up. My car got towed for free by our mechanic the next morning, and I had it back the following Monday afternoon completely repaired. It was like the whole incident never happened... The spiritual analogy is not lost on me. As I waited in my car for Micah to arrive, still a bit shaky and trying to process the past half hour of my life, I was overcome by God's goodness. I fishtailed and spun on a dangerous highway. I somehow avoided what seemed to be an inevitable head-on collision. I ran along a freeway and clung to a cement barrier as traffic barreled past my 28 week pregnant body. Yet, I was fine. I was alive. I was delivered. And so was the baby in my womb. And, furthermore, all the consequences that often follow a car accident... a ticket that remains on your record for years, lengthy and frustrating calls to the insurance company, dealing with a car that is significantly damaged or often totaled, trips to physical therapy or the chiropractor... none of those things happened. I was in the scariest car accident of my life and walked away as if nothing happened at all. This is like our sin. It's so scary and so grievous. It can harm us and others. We are dead in our transgressions. And yet, in Christ, God takes our sin away. He completely removes the record of wrong against us. He erases the swerving, the spinning, the crashing, and the danger, and He replaces it with the righteousness of Christ. We can stand before the throne of God as if nothing happened at all. We are alive in Christ when we should be dead. And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. -Colossians 2:13-14- ... Read more
April Goals
Sharing a few achievable goals on my blog each month has proven to be incredibly beneficial for me. I feel extra accountable to get things done when I know I will report back to my readers in this space. I don't always get everything accomplished on my monthly list, but I'm usually able to knock out the majority of my goals, and I consider that a very good thing. March Recap: I'm going to change the way I share my goals update this month, since listing all my prayer and writing goals is starting to feel redundant, even though they are super important. I'm going to give a general overview of my repeated weekly/monthly goals and only expand on my more unique goals each month. Prayer - I am doing well at writing down my prayers each month. I am struggling with making small, spoken prayers part of my daily routine. Writing - My Tuesday writing days are going fairly well. There is something about writing a check to Zianne's school each week that is extra motivating to use my day productively. I floundered with my morning writing times this month due to a number of factors, including Zianne being sick. I am hoping to get back on track this month. Quality time - Micah and I went to an impov show for his birthday. Zianne and I went on a date as well, but I can't remember what we did... library and something else? I've also been really consistent about meeting up with girlfriends weekly and I love it. Note to Micah {honor} - Done! Monthly encouragement note {honor} - Done! Memorize Romans 8:11-12 {honor/prayer} - Struggled. Must repeat this goal in April. Read one book for fun {rest} - I read One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories} Clean out computer bookmarks {home} - Pretty much complete, but want to do one more sweep this month. Clean out dropbox folders {home} - I didn't check my own goals carefully and I ended up cleaning out my Pinterest boards instead. S0... my Pinterest boards are organized and I'll deal with my Dropbox this month! IR16 Doctoral Colloquium Application {write} - Didn't happen! Move it to April. Email church about serving {family} - Done! Excited to change roles within the next few months. April Goals: Here are my goals for this upcoming month: Write a note of encouragement Memorize Romans 8:11-12 Finish cleaning out bookmarks and Dropbox folders IR16 Doctoral Colloquium Application Finish Chapter 4 of dissertation Get roof/AC repairs scheduled Plan spring/summer travel Launch new blog :) ... Read more
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