There is nothing I love more about having an iPhone {aka Pheobe} than having Instagram. It was the first app I ever downloaded {before I even left the phone store – read about it here} and I quickly gave it a full 5 star rating. I think I had an unrecognized envy stirring deep within me when I saw other people’s pretty Instagram pics all over Facebook and Twitter since I was basically the last person in the world to board the iPhone train.
So when I started noticing people doing a photo-a-day Instagram challenge in January, I was intrigued. Use Instagram even more than I already do? Okay. I quickly found out that Fat Mum Slim organizes a photo challenge each month and when I saw the line-up of daily photo assignments for February, I was in. And you know what? I never missed a day. That’s how I obsessed I am.
So here it is. All the lovely little things I documented during February’s photo challenge…
#11 – Makes you happy {coffee…always} // # 12 – Inside your closet {love our new walk-in} // #13 – Blue {Recessive trait} // #14 – Heart {For hubs’ lunch on V-day} // #15 – Phone {I love Phoebe!}
People laugh at me but seriously, the iPhone changed my life? lol
Being able to take pics of things at any given moment and then edit them is the best thing ever.
Looks like a great month 😉
LOL! Don't worry! You weren't the last one to board the Iphone train. 🙂 I still don't have one. And by the way…. I ADORE your ring. It is beautiful!
I love your Instagram pics Jen! I'm glad I get a little peek into your cute life!! 🙂
I also love instagram. It's makes me look like an instapro at photographer, when I'm so not. Love the journey through your month.
I love when people post their photo a day pics in one post! I love the stranger guy hahaha
Your stranger pic was awesome!!! Loved his getup! Ps- You were NOT the last one… I'm team Droid (not really by choice lol) and no hopes of an iPhone anytime soon! 😉
As most of the other comments have said you weren't the last one. I don't have one either I did have a smartphone awhile back but decided it wasn't for me. Maybe one day the Mr. and I will get an iPhone. Your ring is GORGEOUS!!!
Love instagram. Makes me feel less guilty about not carting around a gigantic camera to capture my kids. your February looked great—love all of the pics in one post!
Wow, what app did you use to mush the photos together? Looks like you had an awesome month!