So it’s official. Micah and I are no longer newlyweds if you follow that two year rule. My only regret is that we did not apply for the newlyweds game show {does that even still exist???} because I’m pretty sure we would have won. We played with a bunch of couples at church last summer and we rocked it. That’s what happens when you’ve known each other since 9th grade. Anyway, today is our two year anniversary. And while there is a certain charm to the catchphrase “newlyweds for life,” there is also a certain beauty to settling into marriage. The growing comfort you feel around one another, the deeper intimacy that develops, and the love that grows stronger as it is tested by time and trials. Mmm… I liked year two. And here’s to a deeper, stronger love at the end of year three.
To celebrate today, I thought we would do a little marriage Q and A. I got asked these questions about marriage for a blog feature a few months ago and I thought it would be fun to share the answers with you…
Favorite memory from the first two years of marriage.
Well, besides having an amazing wedding, going on an awesome honeymoon to Hawaii, and then going on a wild adventure and moving to Arizona two days after getting back from said honeymoon, I just don’t know… It’s mainly the little things like making up silly little songs while we work around the house or floating in the pool each Sunday after church {it’s our weekly ritual in the summer}. We’ve also started taking after-dinner walks recently, which are the best time for catching up and checking in as the sun sets over the neighborhood. {Many of these walks have lead to stealing the neighbor’s trash when it’s bulk pick-up week in the neighborhood. So far we have scored box springs, picture frames, a huge vase, an adobe fire pit and an old closet door that I hope to transform into a headboard when I muster up some DIY energy.} Also, I love traveling with Micah. Every time we take trip, even if it’s just a weekend in San Diego, it feels like our honeymoon all over again. We are both adventurers but with different appetites for risk. I like walking or biking through quaint neighborhoods, taking pictures and trying new coffee shops and restaurants. He likes surfing and hiking and all things that give him an adrenaline rush. We are a good fit as travel partners though. I will appease him by taking a quick ride on the surf board, even though I’m horrible at it, and when I get tired I will go read in a nearby coffee shop while he plays in the waves for a few hours. Win/win.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again (probably countless times), the hardest thing about being married is I Peter 3:1. {Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct.} This verse is full of hard, good words. Not only am I called to submit to my husband, but I’m called to respect him no matter what. No matter how he is acting. Even if he is sinning, my conduct toward him should be respectful and pure, since God requires wives to treat even non-believing husbands in this same way. This means no uncontrollable fits of anger, name calling, revenge-seeking, or bitterness-harboring behavior on my part. None. That doesn’t mean I can’t tell Micah when he is wrong. It means that whether he is wrong or whether I think I am right, I am called to respect him as my leader and the head of my home. Eek. This verse sits on my bathroom counter, so I am reminded daily of what it means to be a godly wife.
Best thing about being married…
The best thing about being married is getting to show the world that marriage is good. I was struck recently by the negative view of marriage most of our society holds. I constantly hear jokes about splitting property in half and lots of sarcasm about divorce. I guess it makes sense that a lot of people have this jaded view considering that about half of marriages today end in divorce, but that viewpoint is not right. The negative view of marriage held by a lot (even most?) of our society is not God’s point of view on marriage at all. Sometimes marriage is very hard. Sometimes it is difficult to serve Micah and to submit to his leadership, much less to do so with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. But I know that in the end, marriage is good. It’s God creation. It’s God’s plan for me and for so many others to be shaped, transformed and refined through marriage. So despite what the world says about marriage today, regardless of the bitterness and the sarcasm about marriage that seeps throughout our society, I urge you to believe differently. Marriage is worth working for, sacrificing for, fighting for. Just as God has said from the beginning with Adam and Eve, marriage is very good (Genesis 1:31).
{c/o Chrystabel Photography}
That’s all for now. Gotta go be an old married lady and start packing for our celebratory getaway this weekend! XOXO!
andy and I say we'll be newlyweds for life. Marriage is so good isn't it? Man, it's the best thing I've ever done.
My husband and I had our first anniversary in April, I know I'm so blessed to be with him! Thank you for sharing this post, and congrats on your 2-year wedding anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! You guys are too cute! 🙂 Arizona is lucky to have a couple like you.
Happy Anniversary to you two!! I loved everything you had to say today, I think I needed a good reminder about always striving to be a Godly wife. I may just need to put that verse up in my bathroom too 😉
Best wishes in year 3 for you guys!!
marriage is SO good and I am happy you are portraying that to the world! Happy 2nd anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! May the Lord continue to bless your lives together!
First of all, you are beautiful and you looked stunning in your wedding gown!
I was just thinking of marriage the other night and how the world sees it almost as a joke. It made me sad that so many people give in and give up and not put in the hard work when things get tough. I love how honest you were about it being tough sometimes and I love that you're both willing to stick it out! 🙂
I love this! Happy anniversary to you two, and may you be newlyweds forever no matter how long you're married!
I love you two!
Happy Anniversary! Have I mentioned how cute you are? I wish I lived in AZ I think the four of us would be great couple friends! 😉
Happy, Happy Anniversary 🙂
They're the best!
Happy Anniversary 🙂 I've been married for two and a half years and was called a newly wed last sunday… I'm not sure when i will be an 'oldly' wed, but I don't really mind. Although, I certainly preferred the second year of marriage to the first. While the first wasn't bad, I agree, it is so nice when you 'settle' into marriage 🙂 Hope you have a lovely weekend away 🙂 xo
We love the marriage of M&J Russum! Congrats you two and thanks for being a great example of a healthy thriving marriage.
Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary! Happy Anniversary, dear Jen & Micah, happy anniversary!!!!! You two are adorable, so in love, and another fine example of what FRIENDSHIP really looks like. I tell people all the time that I love my husband so much because I like him. He's fun to be around; he's respectable and honest; trustworthy; and he's got a great sense of humor. We're lucky-lucky-lucky that we get to live with our bestest-best friend forever and ever and call him mine. Cheers to you two, CONGRATS!
Nicole @ Three 31
Well Happy 2nd Anniversary! 🙂 All three answers are perfect! We celebrated our first anniversary on the 9th! 🙂 We've been together a long time too though, we would SO take you on for um… midlyweds game! haha
Well said. This was so refreshing to read. (Especially for a single girl like me.) Happy Anniversary to you guys!
this is precious! you guys are adorable and so wise 🙂