Growing // 23 pounds, 7 ounces. I thought she was slowing down… but it turns out she’s not really. She’s also 30.5 inches and her head has outgrown every hat she owns, including the 12-24 month sun hat I just bought her a month ago. She’s off the charts in every category and most people think she’s about 15 months and a late walker when they first meet her. #toddlerbaby
Eating + sleeping // This past month has been life changing! Zianne is down to four milk feedings a day, takes two consistent naps for 1-2 hours each, and goes to bed between 8-8:30. This is the first time since she was born that I can say we are on a fairly consistent schedule instead of just a cycle or routine. Zianne nurses at roughly 8, 12, 4, and 8 each day and it’s glorious! It was getting so hard to cram her fifth feeding and her catnap into the early evening hours, so I’m happy we are past that stage. Z also eats solids for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and can chew and swallow so much better now. She loves sweet potato fries, puffs, applesauce, yogurt, and any meat we’ve given her {she’s clearly a carnivore like her parents}.
She is so gorgeous, Jen! Happy for your new routine 🙂