I’m so thankful for getting to dedicate Zianne at our church on Mother’s day. I’m thankful for the grace lavished upon us to raise her in a godly home and for the grace that will cover us when we mess up as parents a thousand times and then some. I’m thankful for the friends and family who came to watch her dedication and for those who couldn’t be there that day but will be there in the days to come to love our family and encourage us as parents. I’m thankful to stand beside some of our very best friends and pledge to raise our children {born six days apart!} in Gospel truth and love. I’m thankful for my fellow mom friends… and for questions and encouragements sent over text messages about pumping and solid foods and vaccinations and which outfit flatters a postpartum body the best. I’m thankful for my husband, for loving me and our daughter unfailingly. And I’m thankful for a daughter to love… for her constant smiles and her always-waving hands and for all she has taught me about joy and love in her short seven months in this world.
This is beautiful, Jen! Love your family 🙂
AW, what a perfect day for such an event! Happy Mother's Day to you friend!!! And little miss Z is just a doll!
Such great pictures :). I'm sad we missed the big day!