Well my mommy blog paper is due today, so I should be writing, but I just can’t stop reading… mom blogs! What amazing, inspiring, fascinating women… Is it okay to say that about your “research subjects?” Well, I just said it. Everywhere I turn there is another amazing mom with unending creativity, a relentlessly positive attitude, and so many hopeful, encouraging words to share.
Here are some faves right now…
Lisa has so much JOY!
Someday I plan to buy a cute belt or laptop case from Lindsey (P.S. This might be my favorite blog design. I should get tips from her…)
Darby might just be my fave… She is so reasonable, feels no pressure to blog every day and times her writing so she can get other stuff done. If only I had her discipline right now…
Just stumbled across this amazing lady…
Tsh over at Simple Mom is so realistic (Can I get an amen for housekeepers and babysitters??? I am not a mom yet, but I do NOT consider myself above getting outside help when I have a bunch of little ones…)
I will never attain Emily’s level of artistic/craftiness… but I do admire her transparency on her blog. And I would love to have her kitchen some day.
Sometimes Heather is a little too much for me, but this post cracked me up!
If you are interested in adoption, Cate’s blog will melt your heart.
Grace is hilarious…and she also has a lovely kitchen. Can you tell I’m in kitchen inspiration mode? White cabinets are a MUST!
And if you haven’t started using Pioneer Woman or Bites recipes, you should probably start. Dinner would not exist in my house without these two ladies.
And I can’t forget Caitlin or Ashley – my real life friends who got me intrigued in mom blogs to begin with! Or Lisa, my pastor’s wife, who gets to inspire me with her mothering in real life AND on her blog.
Must. Finish. Paper. NOW.
Thanks Jen! Don't you just love stumbling across blogs of randoms, that you feel like you can learn from? They don't even know you (or you them), but yet their words transcend cyberspace and touch your heart. Blogging has a crazy way of doing that. And being cheap therapy. And a good means for copycat projects. 🙂
A paper on mommy blogs? I am intrigued! Thanks for the visit. 🙂