It’s true.
Micah and I have become iPhone people.
I could say we “finally made the plunge” or something like that, but the truth is that I secretly took no pride in being one of the last people on earth to get a smart phone. I was getting desperate on the inside. People were starting to make fun of me. In fact, one of my college professors mocked my EnV3 in class. I couldn’t handle it any longer…
Actually, I lost my phone. It was an ordained loss if you ask me…
I didn’t mean to lose my phone {although I am pretty sure Micah still thinks I did it on purpose}. I think it was God’s way of nudging us to get with the program. He was probably laughing at our outdated technology too…
So on December 30th, my life was changed forever. I met my phone for the first time. When they handed her to me all shiny and configured, I felt like a mom holding her child for the first time. My heart did a little flutter and I was filled with a happiness I have never known before. I am not exaggerating, people. There is photographic proof of this joyous occasion.
Highlights from our first week together: downloading Instagram and taking my first pictures // naming her Phoebe after the woman of the Bible who was a patron to the early church and a great help to Paul {she is already and will continue to be a great help to me} // playing Words with Friends while sitting in my bathroom late at night // talking to Siri, my Norwegian cousin // buying my beautiful new case at Nordstrom // keeping track of my daily Bible reading on YouVersion // knowing that I will never again have to randomly stop in a coffee shop parking lot to pull out my computer to find directions or information I need // realizing all the mentions I had somehow been missing on Twitter via the laptop
It’s been a good week to say the least. And to top it off, one of my best friends was here to teach me how to use Phoebe. Of course, I am the last of all my friends to get an iPhone, but that means they can provide very helpful tutorials to an #iPhonedunce like me…
And now my first ever “week according to my Instagram” post! I am so excited. Did I mention I already went on Instagram and wrote a review of how awesome it is? I am THAT in love…
So this is where I need your help… what apps should I download? Which ones help you the most? I already have Insta {obvi} and Words with Friends. What else does a girl need? Please tell me your favorite apps below and why you like them or what you use them for? And are there any your husband loves that I should pass onto Micah? Thanks, friends!
Aaron loves espn sprint for the cash. It's free and he plays people around the world by guessing daily sport stats like "the broncos will hold the steelers to 3 point in the 4th quarter" and you try to make consecutive correct guesses thru the month and you have a chance to win 100k I think it is? Very hard to do but Aaron likes the challenge as he loves statistics.
I use meetup app for moms groups I am in. I check groupon deals each day, I check yelp a lot, I think Wordz is fun (like boggle), amazon for price checking, and my bank and Starbucks mobile apps. Have fun! I was asked what baby appliance I couldn't live without and said my phone and got a weird look but I types this whole post while breastfeeding. 🙂
Just to comment on the previous comment– it's "Streak" for the cash, and I agree that it's pretty fun. Lets you follow lots of different games/teams etc.
I also download my favorite store's Apps, like Target, Victoria's Secret- etc. Makes it easy and quick to check something, plus sometimes there are exclusive mobile coupons!
Very nice. I still have an old phone. Had the same one for probably 4 years. We went to the phone store over Christmas to see about possibly getting an iphone because they had a good deal on them, but when we discovered you HAD to buy the data plan (I was just going to use wifi), it was a deal breaker. But maybe sometime in the future?
We should totally play words with friends!! I have it on my kindle fire. My user name is: jessibridges 🙂
I love that you named your phone Phoebe. Totally hilarious! Some of my favorite photography apps (besides Instagram!) are postagram, pocketbooth, picframe, postal pix, shake it, & my365. As far as games, I am obsessed with Temple Run!
Pinterest, Etsy, Shazam (free app that names the song you're listening to), ESV Bible (free!), Scramble (a free word game I'm addicted to)
have fun!!
I'm pregnant so let's just say that I pee a little more easily these days and good grief, I almost just peed my pants! THanks, Jen!
Ha ha ha I'm not pregnant like Heather…but I nearly peed myself….hilarious! 🙂
Welcome to the world Phoebe!
Pandora app!
dang it! I want to take the I-phone plunge so bad! Instagram was made for me!
Congrats! Having an iPhone is the greatest convenience ever! Fav apps? SO many… pixlromatic, picframe, postalpix, red stamp, twee gram, redbox, pinterest, etsy, pandora, flashlight, fandango, amazon, Target, Old Navy, Gap (all of your fav stores prob have apps), Michaels, Joann, Sephora, Words w/Friends, Hanging w/Friends, cnn, apps for restaurants, trip tracker, fare compare (both for travel).
There are SO many out there! Enjoy your phone!
Love my iPhone! I'm still a newbie owner too. Besides InstaGram, I also like Pinterest, HeyTell (turns your phone into a walkie talkie kinda), GasBuddy for finding the cheapest gas prices around you.
Have fun!
Evernote! Make text notes, photo notes, or voice notes. Put them in various notebooks for various parts of your life. AND have them available on every smart device you have. I have it on my phone, my Kindle, my work Ipad, and my laptop. The webclipper addition is a great way to save an article or webpage to read later. I love it more the longer I use it!
I have a smart phone but got talked in to sticking with the Droid instead of the Iphone…I regret it! Once I got my Ipad I was hooked. Only another two years! 😉