Glorious weekend. One of my best friends {since 4th grade!} came into town with her husband. Sometimes I get a little stressed with all the visitors we have, but not this time. There is nothing like face-to-face time with a soul mate friend. I’ve realized since coming to Arizona that I miss these types of friendships. I have met some amazing women here and I love them, but most of my girlfriends are more couple-friends. Like… I am paired with Micah and we go on double dates with other couples. And I am completely blessed by that, but sometimes it’s nice to have some girl time with someone who knows me like a sister. And that is exactly what I had this weekend!!!
I haven’t had time to edit the pics from the fancy cam, but here are some pics from Saturday. We hiked Camelback, although we probably looked for parking for longer than we actually hiked, but that’s what you get on an 80 degree Saturday in February. Hoorah! We finished off our night with some amazing Cabernet glazed burgers and a round of Settlers…
And here are some other lovely moments from the past week…
Looks like so much fun! I had smash this week to! So good, so good!! Those shoes are so cute! I love the red.
oh fun! glad you had a good weekend!
girl time is probably my favorite thing ever… especially girls night out.. i love couples night.. but there IS something wonderful with the conversations and depth in simple girl time =)
(new follow ) yaya!!!
Looks like a great weekend, for sure! I love hiking and haven't been able to do it in a few months. It's even better to go with dear friends!
What the heck is that game!? I'm super intrigued!!!
Ugh I miss girl time. 🙁 its bean so hard making a sister connection with anyone here. Been here over a year too!
Love settlers!!
okay we would TOTALLY be friends in real life girl…you are goofy like me!
What is that game?! I need to know! We ALL need a little girl time, for SURE!
Looks like you had a great week! Have a beautiful Monday!
Every thing is better with girlfriends! Especially close ones! 🙂
Found you on Bearing Fruit, hi!
so happy to see another arizonan! And my husband and I tried smashburger the other night on a whim. We had dinner plans but ended up having not enough time to eat where we originally planned so we went there and now I'M ADDICTED! I cannot stop craving those sweet potato fries!
totally understand how you feel about the friend thing…. 🙁
girlfriends are the best! glad you all had a great time!
We love Settlers of Catan! Good times!
Those shoes!!!! Swoooon, so cute!
I love the shoes! and time with girlfriends is priceless. happy friday!
so sweet that you've been besties since 4th grade 🙂 the power of true friendship! love that 1st pic, makes me smile
Oh Smashburger! Such deliciousness!
Stopping by from Little Things 🙂