I am so excited to be linking up with my dear {slash first, best blogging} friend, Heather, today for her new “Cup Half Full” link up party! It’s perfect timing if you ask me, since Life Made Lovely is no more 🙁 I’m also linking up with Lindsay, because I just love her blog and her sweet followers so much! Have you checked out her new blog and shop branding yet? You should!
So here are a few of the lovely little moments that have made life beautiful this past week!
These two things never get old!
I love these scarves! Both from Ethiopia! {Although scarf weather is quickly coming to an end in Phoenix…}
I keep seeing this little cottontail rabbit in my yard in the mornings. I am not much of an animal person, but he is just too cute. And these pretty magenta and yellow flowers caught my eye while walking on campus.
A long overdue pedicure and a precious baby. Two of life’s greatest joys!
I’m pretty sure my husband had the best day of his life on Friday. No, this is not safe… nor is it affordable when you crack something on the back of the quad and have to pay for it.
Still… can you put a price on a husband’s heaven on earth?
I seriously love the desert! Is anyone else out there a give-me-sunshine-all-the-time person?
Love your snapshots 🙂
Always great things to find beauty in!
Cute Jen, love your photos and what you shared along with them, really sweet…your ring 🙂 And you look so pretty in those scarves!!!
lovely photos and lovely moments. thanks for sharing – glad I found you through the link up 🙂
Your ring is beautiful, and that coffee looking beverage!! yummmm!!!
Here in tx I'm trying to enjoy the scarf-wearing-weather too 😉 Your scarf is gorgeous btw.
and totally agree, you can't put a price on a hubby's happiness 🙂
I {puffy heart} Love that cup & your ring! Those scarves are super cute — I seriously need to get some! Those pictures of your hubs look like so much fun!
Your ring is gorgeous! I'm definitely a sunshine all-the-time person too. I do not care for seasons, rain, or cold; just give me summer year-round!
TOO CUTE! All of your pics! And your ring is to DIE FOR!!! Gorgeous!
The temp is supposed to drop a bit this week (you know, chilly for us Arizonans) so you'll get some more use of your scarves!
I would just diiiieee for sunshine all the time. It's freezing here in Ohio, a high of 33* today I think- BUT, I will say there is some nice sunshine coming through my office today so that makes it more bearable. I think I've mentioned before that I'm just in LOVE with Arizona. I visited once and could easily pack up and move there tomorrow lol… Gorgeous state!
Just found your blog through Brown Eyed Girl's love series post. Loved your story and cannot wait to read more, lady 🙂
P.S. Do you go to Liberty?? I just graduated from there last May 🙂
Coffee might just be the number one thing that brightens up my mornings, days, and weeks 🙂
I cannot wait to come down to Arizona in March and go ATVing with my Grandpa!! Spring Break can't get here fast enough! Your ring is beautiful!!
Oh I would love some of that sunny weather right about now!
I fail BIG time today. Comment 15….yikes!
I am an all the time sunshine gal myself! Good thing we live here!
Mmm..let's get a pedicure soon…and let's kidnap Heather and bring her too!
thanks so much for linking up, girl!!! i can't get over what a little cutie that little one is 🙂 love those scarves… so beautiful!!!!!!!
Such a great list of little things! I love your scarves – I have WAY too many! My parents just moved back to Arizona and have so many stories already – I canNOT wait to visit them this summer!
Just coming over from the little things link-up 🙂
i literally love your ring. so so amazing.