It was a whirlwind week last week. Every single day was busy and tiring… until Saturday. On Saturday, while other people were doing St. Patty’s Day 5Ks and drinking green beer out on the town, or attending weddings or baby showers, I just sat. On my bum. On the couch. All day long.
And it was glorious. We got back into town from San Diego late Monday night and then our week was go, go, go. I was teaching classes, showing Real Estate, and we had Micah’s grandparents AND my dad staying with us. Micah and I shared a car so my dad could use Micah’s truck, so I was up extra early each day to drive Micah to work. It was a good week, but downright exhausting.
So on Saturday I relaxed. All day long. I watched March Madness basketball {which I am OBSESSED with, in case you didn’t know} and worked on little things. Read some student papers, edited some pics. It was bliss. I didn’t even leave my house until 9pm, and only because Micah and I decided to walk to the store for ice cream. I figured if I didn’t walk at least a mile throughout the entire day I probably wouldn’t be able to fall asleep that night. So a nighttime stroll and a raspberry sherbet-7up float later, I was ready for eight hours of sleep. Win. And now it’s spring break. I can’t tell you how excited I am for a restful and productive week before the end of the semester craziness hits in April!
I literally watched basketball ALL WEEKEND LONG. It was glorious. Who are you rooting for?
Mmm I think I could eat avocados for every meal. I've never had a Shamrock Shake but I don't really have a desire to try it. Is it mint or is it just green? Loving your granny cardi, so cute! Hope you had a great weekend! I'm glad you got to relax some.
i follow you on instagram and saw you got that shake.. i had wanted to try one too so i did. i agree, NOT impressed! haha! you gotta try a mint oreo blizzard at dairy queen instead, if they have those in az. 🙂
This wound up making me hungry. I'm now craving both guacamole and a DQ mint oreo blizzard (cause they're way better than shamrock shakes)
wait wait wait…COSTCO HAS CARAMEL APPLES?!?! what the heck. I need to go…today!
I need to eat before I read your posts (and the comments) because all I want now is that float you had, an Oreo mint blizzard, and a thick blackberry shake (that's what I imagine to be in your Smashburger cup). Yum.
On another note, I'm so glad you took time to relax. Enjoy your break and any other double rainbows… so intense. 🙂
omg those apples from costco… we went a few weekends ago and i think i devoured 3 samples, don't tell!
i agree about the shamrock shake… in n out is better (once you can suck it through a straw)!
I have never had a shamrock shake because food coloring totally freaks me out… Glad to hear they aren't that good 🙂 Your guac looks yummy though! I'm really in to switching avocado for butter whenever possible (cookies and all).
I love guac! If I could have a little bit every day, I would!
I didn't think the Shamrock shake was everything it's been built up to be either! I'm not quite sure why I thought from McDonald's was going to rock my world. But it just tasted like a minty processed milk shake to me.
Yummy!!! Guac is my favorite food on earth!
A sherbert float!!!!??? AmAZing!
And I am loving your granny chic sweater.;)
coming to you from Lindsay's link up!
Wow, all those lovely pictures made me hungry…. Sounds like you had a good week! I miss So Cal. 🙁
If guac was the only food left on the planet…I would be content. Glad to find someone as in love with it as me!! 🙂 Stopping by from the Link-up.
So glad you got a chance to just chill and relax. I LOVE days like that!
I still grab my camera every time there is a rainbow here– even though we see them all the time. I just can never get over them! I'll miss them so much when we leave!
Thanks for linking up with me, Jen!! 🙂