I go back and forth on this blogging thing.
Is it good? Is it bad? Is it real? Is it fake? Does it set false expectations? Paint an inaccurate picture of life? Stir jealousy? Build friendships?
What is going on here???
I’ve heard/seen/read backlash toward bloggers and blogging in general for painting this surreal picture of life where the world is filled with Anthropologie dresses, adorably DIYed homes, and perfectly behaved children.
And then I have heard women speak of the jealousy that is stirred within them after comparing themselves to other bloggers who have skinnier bodies or better homes. Or the inadequacies they feel as wives and mothers and home managers when they look at other blogs and peek into other lives.
First, let me say this. I don’t feel jealous. I love seeing other women’s creativity. Their beautiful children. Their birthday party ideas. Their fashion insights. Their home decor. Their date night ideas.
And I often walk away encouraged. And sometimes inspired to try something new.
But I’m not jealous. Because one of the blessings of growing older and being sanctified by the Holy Spirit is that I feel more and more at peace about who I am and who God made me and what He has called me to do in this life. And refinishing furniture and hanging a new wreath on my door for every season is not a part of His plan for me. But it might be His plan for you. And I praise Him for you and I would love to be invited over for lunch to ooh and aah at all the creativity He has blessed with you! I seriously AM impressed. Create, girl! It’s who you are. It’s just not me.
Yesterday, I just finished up the Soul Detox app with the #shereadstruth ladies. And one thing has been rolling around in my mind ever since the very first day…
Think lovely thoughts.
Dwell on excellent things.
And I think that’s one thing that bloggers excel at doing. Sharing the lovely. Dwelling on the beautiful.
Because I’m not perfect. And I will never claim to be. If you want to read about some of the very real ugly sin inside of me, you can read here and here.
But if you see a whole lot of lovely filling up the pages of this blog, it’s because the Lord has given me a pretty lovely life. It’s not perfect. But it’s redeemed. He has made it beautiful.
So when I share a good recipe, wear a new outfit, go on a date night, or completely obsess over my iPhone and take way too many Instagrams, I do it for His glory.
This is my lovely place. It’s where I reflect with gratitude on how blessed my life really is and how I don’t deserve any of it. And it’s my hope and prayer that you walk away from here thinking lovely thoughts as well.
Have to say, your blog is one of the most encouraging blogs that I read. I love that you have goals and are realistic and make sure we readers know what's what. I think your blog is lovely 🙂
Thank you for being such a bright spot in the blogging world!
Well said.
I just love the posts you write 🙂 Being new to the blogging world, it makes me sad to hear that people are so negative about all these positive posts. No one wants to read all negative posts. No one wants to hear how hard you've got it, how boring and mundane life is etc. Of course, there is a time and a place for this however it's all about balance, which people seem to do well. We want the good, the bad and the ugly but not just all bad, otherwise how can we rejoice with one another in the good times?
Yes! You are so right. It can be a challenge at times to not compare, but blogging is a great even beautiful way to share our journey with others 🙂
Amen! What an encouraging post. Thanks for being such a transparent Lady 🙂
you are right to have reservations at times but please know your blog is such an encouragement, whether you know it or not
What a great post! We all have moments when we doubt our blogs, get frustrated, and maybe even make comparisons. But, as you said, when you blog to serve Him and spread His word… then none of that matters. You are great and totally help spread love! thank you!
I don't post a lot about the hard stuff, first off because sometimes that stuff is sacred + private, but I also don't want to dwell on the negative stuff. I want my blog to be a place of light– of encouragement– pretty things and inspiration not to make you FEEL bad but to entertain and inspire! it's like a magazine you dip into and savor. everyone has hard stuff, bad days and issues and Lord knows that I have my share but those are things between my God and my family and friends and my little blog is not necessarily a place for that. 🙂
Oh Jen, I have wondered about the same things myself, i have yet to see other bloggers truly hateful, although i've heard stories, and fortunately most the ladies i follow admit that their lives and homes aren't always perfect! In my 43 years i learned long ago that the grass is NOT greener on the other side and we all have our own issues no matter how it looks from the outside! I think when i get a little hateful over things God allows for little reminders, sometimes not so good ones, that make me realize i'm taking what i do have for granted! In other words when the basement flooded AGAIN, i was so angry and upset, then i had to say, "well, it's just a little water and at least i'm not homeless." It could be worse, get over it and move on! Good post! Thanks for being obedient and sharing whats laid on you heart!
I'm so excited you commented on my blog, because I'm SO thrilled to have found yours! You are such a lovely writer and Jesus is a up in here 🙂 Just went back and read a bunch of your posts and you are certainly blessed with a lovely life and more importantly, a lovely perspective. Looking forward to following you!
Aww! I love this post.. I'm not creative in the crafting department, nor do I have kids, or outfit posts on my blog.. But I do enjoy reading blogs that do have all those things.. And you know, it doesn't make jealous.. It just makes me amazed at God who gives such crazy cool ideas to other people!
♥Janette, the Jongleur
Well said sister. And I have LOVED going through the Soul Detox too – holy bad thoughts in my head purge! Love ya!
Absolutely! We don't share negativity on our blog either… Not because negative and unlovely things never happen. They do. To everyone… but we prefer to share the lovely! 🙂 Our brand of lovely is different from yours, but that doesn't mean it's not ALL lovely! Good post girl!
I think this is such a great perspective! I always feel so encouraged by your blog. It must be because you are so positive and I really appreciate that. I'm sure you've seen the ecard on pinterest that says something like, you know all those moms that can do everything, maybe I should ask them to do some stuff for me. Cracks me up! But I think seeing those people on their blogs can definitely stir jealousy like you said. Even though we know no one can do it all!! That's what can be so misleading about blogs. I love that you stay real 🙂
Ditto! It's easy to think/say "I'm not jealous" but it's reading it in a post, in the way you put it specifically, that reminds why I shouldn't be/don't need to be jealous. Thanks for a great read 🙂
This is a very relatable post! When I first started blogging, I wrote mainly about my home and diy projects. I soon learned that I couldn't keep up nor did I have the desire to visit Hobby Lobby every five minutes. When I started to write about life, it came more naturally. Plus, I realized that this is my blog, and I want it to represent me. I still love to see diy projects (and doing them), but I don't feel like I have to make a new one each week. So freeing! Thanks for this great post!
New to your blog and blogging period. I found this post on your blog though and I just love it! Thank you for sharing, it's really encouraging. 🙂