I made this list a few years ago and it’s been sitting as a blog draft ever since. At first, I thought it should be much longer, which is why I never posted it, but then I decided the number of items can match my age, and I will add something to the list every time I celebrate a birthday.
Most of the items on this list are just for fun. It’s seriously not the end of the world if they don’t happen, but they represent lighthearted goals and dreams I’ve had for a long time. When I first made the list, I was sure to include past items I had already accomplished, such as being the editor-in-chief of my high school paper. I don’t want to ignore the goals I had in my youth that helped shape me into the person I am today.
So here is my “life list,” but I post this while meditating on this passage from James 4: “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” I hope the things on the list below happen, but I trust that my days are already ordained for God’s glory.
1:: Make a photo book with Scripture from each of the Psalms
2:: Watch the TCU Horned Frogs in a bowl game at a stadium {not on TV}
3:: Publish a book
4:: Birth a baby {or two}
5:: Get my PhD
6:: Read the whole Bible
7:: Memorize a whole book of the Bible {even if it’s tiny like Titus}
8:: Decorate a home to the point where I can say I like every room
9:: Meet Candace Cameron OR Lauren Graham {since the odds of meeting both are slim}
10:: Own an old typewriter
11:: Own a record player
12:: Be editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper
13:: Run a half marathon
14:: Do a sprint triathlon
15:: Hear my grown children all together laughing in my kitchen
16:: Play tennis when I’m old {60+}
17:: RE-read all the Harry Potter books out loud to my children
18:: Own a DSLR camera
19:: Go to a TCU Homecoming
20:: Donate money to my alma mater
21:: Relearn how to use photoshop
22:: Go to the Summer Olympics
23:: Play in a doubles tennis tournament with Micah
24:: See Garth Brooks, Taylor Swift, Alica Keys, Mariah Carey and Amy Grant in concert
25:: Visit the following places: London, Paris, Norway, Australia, Brazil, Thailand, Washington D.C., New York City, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Savannah, Nashville, Hawaii, San Diego, San Francisco, New Orleans
26:: Revisit Boston, NYC, Miami, and Hawaii
27:: Go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park
28:: Read all the Harry Potter books
29:: Present at an academic conference
30:: Publish an academic paper
31:: Win a blog giveaway {I never win}
32:: Have a colored front door
33: Go out-of-state for college
34: Dye my hair platinum blonde and strawberry blonde like my sister’s
LOVE this!! Funny that you've never been to Atlanta or Savannah and I'm in those places all the time! But of course, I've never been to your neck of the woods! I can agree with so many of these. Especially the Harry Potter ones! 🙂