June… did you even happen? This month has flown by so quickly, and these past few weeks are a big blur of happy memories…
Trip to the east coast
Family in town
We bought a house!
Micah bought a motorcycle {I don’t have quite as much enthusiasm about this purchase…}
Still running in the third trimester
Sweet friends who came from out-of-state for my baby shower last week
Life lately has seemed a wee bit busy but none the less a good busy 🙂 & goodness still running in the third trimester you go gurl…
Congrats on the house!!! <3
Micah bought a MOTORCYCLE!?!? Ay yay yay…you are a nicer, braver wife than I. 🙂
Congratulations on buying a house. And props to you for still running, well done!
I love those matching black and white striped tops. And congrats on buying a house!
Congrats on the house! & I love the color of his bike!