Sabbath-ing with our dear friends. We walked to lunch together after church, snuggled their newest babe,
and got a guitar serenade from the world’s most adorable two year old.
Last day of class for the semester! I always bring my students donuts to celebrate.
Also, my mom and I dressed like twins that day. Good thing she doesn’t go to work with me.
Since school is out, we were able to meet dad for lunch. Zianne didn’t like the big pink chair,
but she was quickly consoled when Micah let her try macaroni and cheese for the first time.
We went to the zoo for the first time as a family this weekend. Z and I have been twice before,
but this is the first time she stayed awake for most of the adventure!
Having fun with dad in our 74 degree pool. Notice that mom did not get in the water.
Z and her boys in the baby containment unit {BCU}. We’re thinking she’s a natural at the piano.
Snuggles on mama’s bed… always.
Brunch with girl friends and out to a movie with my mama friend!
We three Russums.
Got to sneak out to a very impromptu date night. Micah found out he had free tickets to a Diamondback’s game around 3pm, and by 6:30pm we were downtown at the stadium. This is one of the many perks of having Micah’s sister live with us!
Hallelujah! Zianne’s nursery is finished. You can see it here!
||To see more of our life lately follow @jenrussum on Instagram||
love this. and yay for being done for the semester! Enjoy your break!