Scenes around the house…
Z and her boys…
Story time at the library. Why did I not know about this glorious event sooner?
Date night…
Grandma came to visit from Seattle…
||To see more of our life lately follow @jenrussum on Instagram||
Can I come visit for a dip in your pool, a push in the swing, and a round of putt-putt on the poolside putting green?! You live the most amazing life, I swear! The picture of Miss Z (top right) sucking her thumb while sleeping is precious …. and she's got some big hands! Kamden has Husband's big hands too, thank goodness, because mine are teeny-tiny. The only thing tiny on my body! HA. 🙂 I need to check the local libraries and see if they have a storytime event during the week, I would love it and so would Kamden. His semester at The Little Gym concluded last week and I'm undecided if I want to renew or find something else. We had a great time, and I saw a lot of benefit, but I'm always looking for something new and exciting to try also. Maybe we'll do both … more gym classes and story time. Who knows. But I really like having a weekly commitment for a Kamden-friendly event.