If you are new around here, welcome to a keyword analysis. Every now and then I like to look at the words people are typing into search engines that somehow lead them to my blog. Most of the time they are super normal, like “AZ Russums” or “newlywed date ideas” or stuff of that nature… but sometimes they are completely ridiculous/hilarious. Here are a few of my favorites lately…
Kohl Cords – Technically, I think it’s Kohl’s cords and more specifically I hope you are talking about the Lauren Conrad Skinny Cord, because that is one fabulous pant. So fabulous, in fact, that I now have two pairs – one in rust and one in gray. Sometimes it’s hard for me to wear any other pants but these.
Cute husband site. – Well, this is a site with a cute husband on it. But he’s mine and you can’t have him. I hope this person was at least looking for a site to find a cute bachelor to become a husband. Because searching for men that are already married seems pretty sketch to me…
Cloth paper scissors paper mâché – Ummm… what? Even though my friends, Heather and Erin, try to claim I am a craft blogger because I mod-podged a piece of paper to some wood last year, I really am not a crafter. I have no time for it and I am not very good at it, unless it’s a very basic project. And I have never in my life made paper mâché. Sorry to disappoint.
Swedish Immigrant Girl – Are you talking about this one? Because she is the only one I know.

Shannon Miller 1992 Olympics – Yes, wasn’t it great? Best Olympics ever if you ask me. Although I always liked Kim Zmeskal more than Shannon. As we watched the competition, my sister and I would do cartwheels back and forth across our family room thrusting our arms in the air afterward to be just like our gymnast heroes.
How women can dress for NASCAR races. There are a variety of ways really… We chose the ensembles on the left {this was a costume… I HATE Nascar…} but they chose this twinsy ditty on the right…

Sexypaper. Why, yes, I am writing one of those. It’s about mommy bloggers… J
Foot worship moccasins I got Minnetonka Moccasins for Christmas, and while I love them, I think worshipping them is going a bit far…

What’s the strangest keyword search on your blog lately??? {Aren’t people so weird!? Ha!}
Haha! Those are all too funny! 🙂 I've never paid much attention to mine because as a "smaller" blog they are few and far between. Most are the general "miss b" something similar to my title. I hope I get some interesting ones soon! LOL
This is so funny! I love reading the list of things people type in to get to my blog too 🙂
This is HILARIOUS! I love it!! Once my blog grows and I start getting some keywords I'm definitely going to do this 🙂
cute husband site….SO ADORABLE!! I have had some weird and disturbing ones hahah
I have no clue where to find mine. Maybe no one finds my site using keywords. Hmmm… Where should they be at so I can find out what some keywords are for mine?
I found it and there aren't any. Interesting.
Too funny! I got a couple of 'happy birthday husband' searches (hubs was last month). Ooh and 'glass engraving hand machine'… Say what?!
O my goodness! This is so funny! Ok, those pants look amazing, I need some!!
I get the strangest words too. I haven't really looked at it lately but I will and let you know.
You should do some sort of link up for this!
This is hilarious! My blog is too new, so none yet. But I can't wait to have gems like these. Do you remember how long it took for your stuff to start showing up on these random google searches?
hahha! oh you had me laughing out loud! I never understand those keyword searches. Seriously. haha!
hahaha these are too funny! Especially the Cute Husband Site. He is pretty cute 🙂
Two things :o)
#1) This is the only blog I read out loud to Josh, and he likes it.
#2) I did the same exact thing in 1992, except it was alone (no sister). Jared was busy playing with WWF wrestler action figures.
I seriously had "deep bly button cave" on mine last week! What the what?! Not only have I never blogged about belly buttons I know I haven't carpeted one to a cave!
I am just now reading this, and recognizing what, I believe, is a lie in your blog! I refuse to believe that you and your slister did cartwheels back and forth – I have seen you attempt a cartwheel, and cannot fathom you enjoying it enough to do it more than once.
What a hoot! I get some weird searches popping up in the stats too! Thanks for sharing these!