Sharing a few achievable goals on my blog each month has proven to be incredibly beneficial for me. I feel extra accountable to get things done when I know I will report back to my readers in this space. I don’t always get everything accomplished on my monthly list, but I’m usually able to knock out the majority of my goals, and I consider that a very good thing.
Sell clothes… Done! But I am on a major minimalist kick right now, so I might post more clothes soon. I kind of want to become one of those fewer-than-fifty items of clothing people. Follow@thecuratedcloset on Instagram if you want to shop my closet in the future!
Get life insurance… Done! I filled out my application. A nurse came to my house and drew my blood. I’m just waiting on final paperwork telling me that everything has been processed.
Update camera… Done! New Wi-Fi SD card and fixed 50mm lens are installed and I love them both! However, I discovered that my camera doesn’t work with a remote, so I need to sell mine. This is the model. Leave a comment if you are interested. It’s brand new and I’m willing to sell it for $10, which is half price! 🙂
Finish two books… Eek! I only finished one. I’m still working on Gone Girl, because I had to return it to the library just when it was getting good. I just checked it out again and I hope to finish it this week.
Write one letter of encouragement and a letter to my grandma… Done!
Return Bebe Pod. The strap broke on Zianne’s Prince Lionheart chair, but they have great customer service and are sending me a whole new chair as soon as I fill out a form. I’ve been putting it off for a month, and I need to get it done now! I think the strap clip breaking was just a fluke, so I would still highly recommend this product. It has more room for chubby baby thighs and is also safer than the similar Bumbo chair because it has a wider base.
Rollover 401K. This is embarrassing, but I have a tiny 401K from the teaching job I had before Micah and I got married, and I need to roll it over to a different account… The embarrassing part is that this relatively easy task has been on my to do list since summer of 2011. This month I’m going to make it happen, y’all!
Study ten hours a week. I am gearing up to take my PhD reading exam in the fall. I was supposed to start studying for it in May and the month quickly got filled up with other tasks and events. Starting today my goal is to study for two hours a day Monday – Friday and use Saturday as a catch up day if I get behind during the week. It’s clearly going to be a thrilling summer in the Russum household as I read 55 academic texts…
Print large family photo. Last summer I enlarged a wedding photo to hang in our bedroom and I have a matching frame that I reserved for a family photo after Zianne was born. She is here. We’ve taken family portraits. Now one needs to make its way into the frame. One of my overall summer goals is to hang art and photos in the master bedroom. Since we moved into our house, all of our wall hangings have been sitting on our dressers and leaning against the walls below where they should be hanging. I hope that getting a family picture printed will get the ball rolling on getting all our bedroom walls finished.
Read two books… I’m still a book behind on my one per month goal for 2014, so I hope to finish two this month to get back on pace.
Write one note of encouragement…
|Linking up with The Tiny Twig’s “Goals with Grace”|
When I had to rollover my 401k from a previous job, I hit some snags so I ended up having our financial advisor do it! It's those big adult life things that keep us on our toes. 🙂
Which Canon do you have? I bought that memory card, and I couldn't figure out where to put it in my camera…
Love to goal of writing encouragement notes! I need to do that more often! 🙂
I think that it is great that you are writing letters back and forth with your grandmother.
Love the idea of the note of encouragement!
Getting life insurance has been on my list as well. Thanks for the reminder.
And I meant to say what a great idea to sell clothes on instagram. I use online yardsales on facebook right now, but IG looks awesome