Today is random.
First of all, I am guest posting over at BabEblesssings today. If you want to read the WEIRDEST post I’ve ever written, please go check it out.
Secondly, last week I had the amazing opportunity to hang out with my blogger/REAL friends. Heather drove up from Tucson to hang out with Erin and me. You can read their lovely posts about our visit here and here. The treat of the day is that one of my best friends from college got to join us. My friend, Kristin, got to come visit me for the week of New Year’s, which was the best week in the world, and she got to tag along on our little blogger adventure. I am sure she learned at least a few lessons that day: bloggers eat a lot; bloggers take tons of pictures, bloggers talk about blogging all the time, etc. It became a joke throughout the course of the day that Kristin should become one of “us” and start a blog. The pressure grew until it reached the point where I am pretty sure sweet little Erin was threatening Kristin as they said their goodbyes. I think her final words as she walked out the door to go home were “See you on Blogger on Monday, Kristin.” Well, here is a new lesson to be learned: bloggers are persuasive, because all our begging and threatening worked. Kristin has started a blog! It’s called What Kristin Learned Today!
That’s all for now friends. I really have no idea how this post went from announcing a guest post to talking about Jeopardy…
I love all of this! 🙂 I love when you ramble! What a fun day that was…and I hope I wasn't too harsh to Kristin! he he…but hey…lookie lookie….she has a blog! 🙂 SUCCESS! 🙂
I loved reading about your blog date from Erin and Heather too!! What a fabulous time with such amazing ladies! And how cool would it be to have your friend on Jeopardy!! I got the chance to play against Watson (the IBM robot that plays Jeopardy) and I was SOOO terrible. I would never make it on that gameshow!
Too fun!!! Off to check out Erin and Kristine's new blogs… I follow Heather already. Kinda jealous of this fun little AZ blogger club… just sayin'…. haha.
i love each of your outfits!! erin your skirt is just so cute! and congrats on making anyone girl cave to the blogging world, she will quickly realize how much fun it is!!
WHAT?!? Jen, you are way too nice to me. You are the best coach ever – even better than Bela Karolyi. Thanks for encouraging me in everything I do! Love you so much!
Eeeek! You are the last gal in the pic!
I saw Erin's and recognized a few ladies ~~ so glad to "meet" you.
Thanks for stopping by our little blog today. xo
Love this post! Kristin sounds great! I just went and followed her blog and can't wait to hear more from her!
– Katelyn
LOVE the Hunger Games reference there…. this is probably a dumb question but have you seen the trailer(s) for the first movie? Note: I guess I'm assuming that since you're a blogger, you've read the books. Have you read the books? 🙂