It’s true, ladies. I’ve emerged from the world of books and papers and PowerPoints and laptops and I’m ready for the Christmas season to officially begin!
Okay, I’m still pretty attached to my laptop, but now I get to use it for blogging instead of paper-writing. Woohoo! I will go through this brief hiatus in blogging at the end of April and the beginning of December for at least the next year and a half, so please holler at me if you want to guest post like these lovely ladies did for me this past week. Thanks, loves! You mean the world to me!
So now that Christmas break has officially begun {okay, minus finishing grading my students papers, working on a huge application, and creating my syllabus for next semester… piece of cake!}, I am excited to share with you the goals I hope to accomplish over the next few weeks. That’s the beauty of being a teacher. You work your butt off for four months and find yourself completely drained, get a few weeks off, drain yourself for another four months, and then get the whole summer off. During the stressful times during the semester, you just console yourself with all the fun projects you are going to accomplish over your breaks. Yes, my friends, that’s how a teacher’s mind works. Teachers, are you with me? I’ve been making a summer goals list for years, but now I introduce to you my first ever Christmas goals list:
- Make homemade gingerbread { my fave!}
- Finish setting up our new house {almost there and then I’ll give you a tour!}
- Get an oil change {this is almost too boring to make the list, but it reeeeallly needs to happen}
- Add stuffing to summer pillows {they fell flat… sewing fail!}
- Clean out and merge all my e-mail inboxes
- Clean out all picture folders and try to move photos to Dropbox and/or an external hard drive
- Make some blog changes 🙂
- Write some guest posts for some lovely ladies
- Get a star for our Christmas tree
- Read Heaven Is For Real so I can find out what all the fuss is about…
I think that’s it. We have a short break this year – only two weeks instead of a month like most schools on a semester system. I don’t want to set too many goals for myself, because I’m hoping to sneak a little rest in! I’ll let you know how I’m doing on my list in a week or two.
Do you have any goals you are hoping to accomplish this Christmas season?
These are just some pics we took this weekend before our holiday adventure of finding a Christmas tree and going to the most amazing Christmas show ever that featured break dancers and “Carol of the Bells” played on i-pads. I was in heaven! I’m soooo in the spirit now!
These pictures of you guys are so cute! Loving that yellow sweater on you! 🙂 I love your list of goals..I definitely have a few of those on mine too! + 1 more….meeting up with you and Heather over break!! So glad you're done with school for a bit! 🙂
You will love Heaven is for Real, the writing isn't amazing, but the story is – enjoy!
The last pic of you and your husband is fab, like print it on a canvas fab 🙂
The pictures are adorable…loved the mustard sweater too cute!
If you wanted to send some of that homemade gingerbread my way– I wouldn't argue one bit! Glad to hear your back and blogging again after the stress of finals! Hope they all went well for ya 🙂
Heaven is for Real is just a simple, beautiful story. Enjoy your break!
ahh! These pictures are so lovely and they make me want to go to Arizona!!! My husband is from there. I absolutely love the dry heat! I can't wait to go for Christmas. 🙂
Those are some lovely photos! I'm glad that the rush has died down for you.
Finding/making a Christmas tree topper is on my list also.
You look so pretty! I am glad you are back and your sweater is super cute!
Hey — I want your sweater. I confess, I was coveting it just a bit. Haha! But no really, where's it from!???
My only goals for the holiday break include sleeping, reading, and watching TV. Maybe some exercise, too 😉