I like to think that my book club makes a small impact on the world. Or at least on the world of literacy by helping people know how cool it is to read. Notice I didn’t say “make reading seem cool” or “look cool” because reading is awesome. We don’t need to make it “seem” better than it already is.
One of the fun things about our book club is that, not only do we all read more as a result (except Kristin who would read a book a week- book club or no book club) and try books we wouldn’t otherwise pick up, but we get to recommend books to other people. Never has this been more true than in the past few months since we decided to read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and have been recommending it to everyone we know. This originally was supposed to be our book for our October meeting, but the girls got so into it that we postponed book club until early December so that everyone could read the whole trilogy.
This book is good. It’s actually juvenile fiction, but it’s deep and a little dark, and makes subtle commentary on government and war and poverty, while telling the story of a girl named Katniss in a futuristic setting, where most of earth has been destructed. But don’t disregard it because it takes place in the future – it’s not too future-y. And don’t disregard it because it’s about a girl – Katniss could kill you in a split second (but she’s nice, I promise, Micah kinda has a crush on her…)
Micah and I just finished the 2nd book, Catching Fire (we are behind book club, because we read them together which takes a little longer), and are about to start the third and final book, Mockingjay. If you are reading them by yourself, you will fly through them. I recommended Hunger Games to my friend Bekah and she finished it in about two days. Micah also recommended it to the 15 year old son of a lady in our Missional Community, because he needed a novel to read for school. He liked it too. Everyone likes it. Young and old. Ready to jump on the bandwagon?
And then you can get excited for The Hunger Games movie that is in production. Actually, they are still casting, so you might want to audition….
And this is supposed to be the posting that inspires me to FINALLY set up my Amazon store, so you can buy The Hunger Games trilogy and read them for yourself… better get on that.
I have the trilogy in my classroom library, and the kids are obsessed over them. Nice choice!