For the past few days, I’ve been working on my goals for 2017. I would say I’m a fairly disciplined and intentional person, so goal-setting (and achieving) comes pretty naturally for me. However, I haven’t been as organized with my yearly goals since having children. For 2017, I feel the most focused I’ve been in years. Now that I’m well into my 30s, I think I have a clear vision for my life, and I know the areas I want to invest in (ministry, fitness, reading for fun) and those I don’t really care about (crafting and DIY, keeping up with TV and film). I also know my daily and weekly rhythms (teaching days, cleaning days, etc.), and I work with them (instead of against them) when planning my goals.
A link for $10 off the Inkwell Press planner here.
Here is an overview of all my goals broken down by category. These categories have emerged for me after years of goal-setting. For example, I divide my personal spiritual goals from my ministry goals, and I give blogging its own category. Find the categories that work best for you. For years, I have aimed for certain monthly goals like reading one book or sending an encouraging note to a friend. They are starting to become habits or rthymns for me, but they aren’t entirely set in stone, so they still earn a place on the list. Tomorrow I will show you how I take this list of goals and break it down by month.
___ Write homiletic Bible Study
___ Memorize Romans 8
___ Write one note of encouragement per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Date night once per month (1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Speak life daily (thank you, apology, encouragement, compliment – using goal tracker for this)
___ Prayer in journal once per month (1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Date with one child once per month (swap months with Micah… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 )
___ Start monthly memory verses
___ Written prayer for each child once per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Send a note to a friend 1x/month
___ Send a meal to all close friends when a new baby, miscarriage, or surgery occurs
___ Local playdate once per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Invite a family to dinner once per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Join MOPS
___ Update teaching website
___ Decorate office
___ Submit scholarly article
___ Try Orange Theory Fitness and barre classes after pregnancy
___ Follow a nursing-friendly healthy diet
___ Establish anti-aging face routine
___Â Keeping these private, but there are four goals and one is to build our cash vacation fund!
___ Frame and hang family photo gallery
___ Write down six favorite recipes for family recipe box
___ Finish baby books for Z + T
___ Clean photos and videos off computer
___ Make Artifact Uprising album (2016) and Shutterfly album (Vol. 6)
___ Post every Monday/Wednesday/Saturday
___ Fix and build email subscribers list
___ Create and give away Bible study freebie
___ Pin posts once per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9Â 10Â 11Â 12 )
___ Share post from archive 1x week
___ Serve teen moms
___ Serve in formal capacity at church
___ Read 1.5 books per month ( 1Â 2Â 3Â 4Â 5Â 6Â 7Â 8Â 9Â 10Â 11Â 12Â 13Â 14Â 15Â 16Â 17Â 18 )
I wrote a very similar post last night, high five! I’m always amazed at what you juggle and what you achieve. I definitely look up to you more than you know.