A long, long time ago, my friend Jac contacted me about a vision she had for 2013. Seriously, y’all, God has been at work on this vision for months and months and I love to see it finally coming to fruition.
Jac has decided to do a year-long Godly Wife series on her blog, focusing on a different characteristic each month. I am honored to help her launch the series, along with our friend Jess. This month, we are talking about faith because it’s essential to any healthy, Godly marriage.
Of course, we need to be faithful to our spouse in all things – how we talk, what we think, what we do, and especially in the boundaries we set in our relationships with other men.
But before we can even reflect on the way we treat our own husbands, our faith in Christ must be the foundation of all we do – in marriage, at work, in all our relationships and activities.
If our faith isn’t in Christ, then the trials of marriage are going to rock us.
Because in marriage, we are going to mess up. I mess up. Daily. For as much as I love my husband, I fail constantly. I slip in one more nagging comment, I mediate on a bitter thought, I spend more than I should, and the list goes on and one. I mess up all the time.
But my faith, ultimately, is not in my ability to be a good wife. If it were, I would be a failure. My faith is in Christ, who is always there, strengthening me, convicting me to repent, and covering my sin, always.
Without Christ, my striving to be a Godly wife would be in vain. It would look good most days… some times… some days… but in the end, I would fail. My selfishness, pride and anxiety would mark me forever as a failure of a wife.
But not in Christ…
In Christ, I am a Godly wife. His holiness covers me. In Him, I can strive, and mess up, and repent, and forgive and be forgiven. When my faith is in Christ, my marriage can flourish, even though we are just two messed up people in a messed up world.
I invite you to reflect on your own faith in Christ this month. What are you doing to grow it? And how might that make a difference in your marriage? Come back here on the last Monday of the month {January 28th} and link-up to tell us what God has been teaching you!
To read more about the Godly Wife series, visit Jac’s blog and Jess’s blog.
Jen! I love this post and it is such truth! =) Thanks for sharing friend! I have actually started out the year with the flu which has been the best thing to happen to me. Never before have I been seeking the Lord so much throughout the day because I have had time and space to do it. Once the first few days of distractions were over, I found Him in the quietness. It has been a huge blessing! Never thought I would say that! =)
Your words on marriage are right on and I'm so thankful you are allowing the Lord to use you!!
Much Love!
I'm excited to read along with this series. I sure could use help and guidance on how to be a Godly wife.
Love this. And the Russums. 🙂
What a great thing to focus on for 2013 and specifically for January!
That's something I've been learning in my first year of marriage–I can try to love my husband the best that I can but if I'm not seeking Jesus first everyday, it's just not going to work. Jesus first, then my husband. Something I have to remind myself every day 🙂
This is beautiful. I'm so glad I stopped by your blog today. Can't wait to read more from you ladies!!