And finally the time has come to share six big goals I have for 2015. If you thought we’d never actually get to this point, neither did I. I spent almost the first three weeks of January trying to get through my Power Sheets, while juggling a sick baby, my sick self, a pregnancy, and school starting up again. But finally, we are here! Usually my goals wouldn’t be this broad, but I am realizing that it actually makes sense to make BIG, meaningful goals, as long as you are willing to break them down into baby steps day by day, week by week, month by month.
Goal #1: Outdo others in showing HONOR {“Honor” is my word for the year… Romans 12:10}
Why: This is a focused way to tangibly show the love of Christ to others.
Write notes frequently to thank and encourage Micah
Spend focused, one on one time with Zianne to encourage her gifts and show her love
Send monthly notes of encouragement to friends and family
In heated, frustrating conversations, pause and pray for the Spirit to help me show honor
Goal #2: Make prayer a part of my daily lifestyle
Why: This is an area where my spiritual discipline is seriously lacking. This lack of prayer prevents me from knowing the Father more deeply and trusting Him to meet my needs.
Write structured prayers 4+ days per week
Continue to use prayer journal
Record answers to prayers
Practice sentence prayers throughout the day {while prepping meals, doing housework, in the car, etc. until it becomes a habit}
Memorize Scripture as an act of prayer
Memorize Scripture as an act of prayer
Goal #3: Create meaningful family memories
Why: I want to use my time with Micah and my children well and create a godly legacy for future generations
Date nights with Micah once a month {make a list of ideas}
Intentional one-on-one outings with Zianne
Start journal Bible for children
Continue prayer journals for both kids
Write monthly letters to Baby #2
Organize and archive family recipes
Goal #4: Rest well
Why: Rest is a gift from God and an essential part of the Christian life. I’m still figuring out what rest looks like for me, both on the Sabbath and throughout daily life.
Continue reading for fun at bedtime {one book per month}
Plan one social event with a girlfriend each week
Pray about rest – ask God to reveal how to rest and to teach me to protect the times of rest He gives me
Goal #5: Prioritize writing in my daily schedule
Why: I need to make writing an {almost} daily habit/priority and get a draft of my dissertation done by June.
Write dissertation for one hour/300 words on weekday mornings before Zianne wakes up
Dissertation writing day on Tuesdays {4 hours/1000 words}
Blog at least once a week
Goal #6: Purge and prepare home
Why: This summer we are either going to sell our house or bring another baby into it, so it needs to be streamlined for space and efficiency either way.
Clean out every room/space
Reactivate real estate license
Buy or receive minimal quality items for Baby #2
Prepare guest room as nursery
Get roof repaired
Organize Zianne’s clothes
There they are… my six BIG goals for 2015, which will require hundreds of tiny, steadfast steps. I’ll be back tomorrow to show you my goals for January and how my small monthly goals align with the big yearly goals listed above.
So many things I absolutely LOVE about this post, thank you for sharing and prayers for a blessed and productive 2015. We're going to be busy-busy bees!!!!
Selling already??
Thank you for being honest about your prayer life. I'm right there with you. This past year I worked hard to stick to my goal of journaling through scripture and spending more time in the word and I know the Lord has totally blessed me in it. But for some ridiculous reason I haven't been bringing prayer into that time like I should.