Many years ago I was in the regular habit of memorizing God’s Word. In those precious, transition years right after college I met weekly for a Bible study with a group of girls and our amazing leader, Amy. During this season, Amy strongly encouraged us to memorize the Word… to store God’s Word up in our hearts… and we took her up on her challenge. Over the course of a few months, each of us girls memorized a whole chapter of Scripture. We all chose different passages and it was truly amazing to listen to each young woman memorize and then recite an entire chapter of God’s Word. I can’t remember everyone’s passages, but a few stand out in my mind…
Kristin memorized I John 1 and 2.
Sarah memorized Romans 8.
Allison memorized Ephesians 1.
I memorized Psalm 16.
We had a preschool-esque sticker chart, and we would add a sticker each week that we memorized at least one new verse in our chapters. At our Christmas party, Amy invited some of her girlfriends over and asked us to recite our chapters to them. It might sound juvenile or like we were showing off, but it was exactly the opposite. There is power in the Word of God, and to hear this group of women in their young 20s joyfully reciting verse after verse of Scripture was so beautiful.
And then life happened, our group eventually went our separate ways as girls moved, got married, had babies, etc. and my memorization discipline grew weaker and weaker. Sadly, it’s been years since I’ve memorized a passage of Scripture or even a few verses…
But I’m convicted. I need to change. My lazy years of not memorizing the Word are covered by the grace of Christ, but my future years are clothed in the strength of Christ to work diligently to store up His Word in my heart. The words of the Psalmist encourage me…
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes! {Psalm 119:10-12}
I’m starting with Romans 8. It’s one of the best passages of the Bible and so clearly paints a picture of God’s extraordinary love for us through Christ. I’ve seen people use their lockscreens on their phones to memorize Bible verses, since you see your lock screen so many times throughout the day. I was able to find an already-made lockscreen with Romans 8:1 printed on it. But when I searched the web, I was only able to find a few lockscreens with other verses from Romans 8. I thought about giving up on the idea of memorizing on my phone and resorting to the index cards that I used in the days of old, but then I realized how easy {and fun} it would be to make lock screens myself. I already spend a tremendous amount of time reading and creating on my phone. How easy would it be to use my filters and my photo text apps for God’s glory? Take a pretty picture. Edit. Add a verse to the photo. Save as lockscreen on phone. So easy.
I used the pre-made design for Romans 8:1 and, after a few days of memorizing it, I made a new screen for Romans 8:2. I had just taken some pictures of the gigantic grapefruit that ripen in Arizona’s winter months and I added the words… “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” I’ve had it up on my phone for a couple weeks now, and I think I just about have it memorized (I also try to repeat verse one and say them together). I’m excited to move on to verse three.
I am excited about this little artistic memorization adventure. I am eager to obey God’s command to store up His Word in my heart. I’m not one of those people who tries to predict the end times or prophesies gloomy messages of forthcoming persecution for Christ’s followers, but I do know this… the world {and the Western world especially} seems to have a growing disdain for God and His commands. Our country is increasingly pluralistic and demands an “open mind” to everything except the Gospel. I don’t know when the end will come. I don’t know if or how the Church will be persecuted in the future, but I know that if extreme persecution comes in my lifetime, I will have God’s Word, His truth and His promises, etched on my mind and stored in my heart.
What a great idea!! I used to work with a youth pastor who memorized entire books of the Bible! Isn't that nuts? I wanted so badly to memorize 1 John. If he could do it, so could I. But I think I got half way through chapter 1 and got distracted by other things. I started memorizing verses again while I was pregnant with Eli and it was so wonderful to have those words right there when I needed the encouragement. I really like this idea of memorizing a whole chapter!
I love this post, Jen! My small group in high school decided to memorize Hebrews 11. It was exciting learning it verse by verse and reciting that canon of people who put their whole faith in God. I'd love to start memorizing Scripture again!
Amen sista'!
=) Brooke
in college i was a part of a group that memorized scripture weekly– they all were answers to who God is, and who we are called to me. I still remember some of them. But a whole chapter, definitely not something I've done.
But in the jewish culture, they memorized the whole Torah… so there's that!
Love this idea – I'm in! (chapter TBD…right now during nap time).
i heard about using the lock screen for this a couple weeks ago, but haven't actually tried it yet. really need to. scripture memory is not my best discipline.
I love that you remember those passages. And I don't remember why, but I wasn't at that Christmas party. It doesn't even sound familiar to me. But it does sound super fun! I want to do this with my girls now.