I was listening to a song the other day and it referred to believers as sinners. I forget the exact lyrics but something like “weary sinners” or “desperate sinners” before a great and mighty God. Whatever the exact words were they got me thinking about how I don’t think of myself as a sinner often enough.
In those moments when I am feeling entitled, selfish, and anxious over not getting what I want when I want it. When I am desperately seeking for control or going through each day with an ungrateful heart. I need to be reminded…
I am sinner.
I do not deserve the abundant gifts in my life. I do not deserve health. Relationships. Money. Contentment.
Who am I to go through life with a haughty heart focused on what I think I deserve instead of a heart focused on the One who gives me grace everlasting in spite of my sin?
Lord, remind my proud heart of what I truly am. A sinner to the utmost.
But at the same time, I often forget my true identity. I am a sinner, to be sure, but I am a sinner redeemed by Christ.
As often as I think too highly of myself, I also think too lowly of myself. When I feel uncertain of my worth, uncertain of how to use my gifts, uncertain of how to walk boldly in Gospel obedience… I then belittle God’s strength in me.
I am a sinner. I need to be reminded of this constantly. But I also need to be reminded that I am a redeemed sinner, able to carry out with excellence all the things God has called me to do. I am able to live in joy. Able to preach the Gospel. Able to love others extravagantly. Able to walk confidently to the throne of grace. Able to commune with God daily. Able to use my gifts boldly. Able to forgive lavishly. Able to walk confidently on the narrow path with my head held high, my eyes fixed on Christ, knowing that I am a precious daughter of the King. Fear cannot stop me. Worry cannot paralyze me. Sin has no hold on me.
I am a sinner but a sinner redeemed. I can live life to the full because of the grace of Jesus poured out on me. May we never forget the weighty cost of our sin or the glorious riches we have in Christ.
Ahh grace what would we do without it? One of my favorite part of the litugury we used growing up used the term "poor miserable sinner." Yes, miserable sinners in need of a great God!
So beautifully put and so true! Thank you!
Alesha <3