So if you are a blogger and you’ve spent any time on social media this week, you may have noticed the hashtags #souldetox and #shereadstruth circulating. Basically, two lovely bloggers decided to go through a Bible reading plan and devotional together and invited many women of the blogging community to join them. The response was explosive.
You can read more about it here and here, but basically there is a devotional based off the book Soul Detox that can be found on the You Version Bible app on your phone. Women around the country are now reading it simultaneously and tweeting and instagram-ing what they are learning. It’s quickly evolved into a bigger spiritual sisterhood than anyone probably ever imagined.
And I’m in.
It took me a while to be honest. I started following what was happening on day 2 or 3, and thought “Should I do this?” And then the excuses started… “But I’m late getting started and I hate being behind on things and I am already doing a Bible reading plan so I don’t really need to do another one.” Blah. Blah. Blah. But the more tweets I read {the newest pipeline of encouragement, obviously}, the more I was intrigued and the more I felt the Spirit tugging on my heart to get over the structure that I all too often let rule my life and join in the game. And I finally obeyed. On day 7. And now I am playing catch up.
And I’m so glad I am.
It’s been such a blessing. The biggest burst of encouragement and conviction in my Bible reading for a long time. God’s word breathing truth into me daily. Teaching me to take my thoughts captive and seek beauty and excellence in my life instead of dwelling on the sinful, negative thoughts that too often consume me.
I was going to actually expand on what I’m learning in this post… but clearly it got away from me… and all I want to say now is… my soul is refreshed. My mind is being renewed daily. And thank you to you ladies who boarded the #souldetox train and convinced me to jump on too.
Really cool and encouraging post. Thanks for sharing! I started late too, but it is really good. Reading your post, I was challenged to go even deeper with this study. Thank you!
Alesha <3
I hadn't seen it yet. I actually had no idea that option was included in the app! NEAT! I'm definitely looking into it now. Thank you, Jen! I hope you continue to have an amazing journey through the plan.
thank you for posting this! so glad i saw it because i'm jumping on too! of course i'm super behind, but it's no excuse! thanks again 🙂
Wow!!! I haven't heard anything about this! This is awesome and inspiring! I am going to check it out! PS-I love your handwriting 🙂
love your notes! thank you for your honesty. what a challenge this is to get uncomfortable and grow with some serious encouragement and accountability. jsut what we needed 😉 @virginiavann
I think I started 5 days late, but quickly caught up. I'm feeling a real burst of encouragement from it too!