I run around in my little life doing my own thing… cleaning my house, making dinner, coffee with friends, reading for school, dates with husband, fights with husband, buying new clothes, feeling overwhelmed, feeling relaxed, feeling content, feeling discontent…
And the truth of the matter is, I have a good life. I love the Lord. I try to love others well. I try to use my gifts for the glory of God. I try to repent from sin and live in obedience.
But when I enter into God’s Word. When I really read those letters, black and red, gracefully etched across those thin wispy pages, I realize that the life God has called me to looks radically different than my life right now.
It’s not so much that I’m doing it all wrong. I think my relationships and tasks at this point in my life are pretty much on par with God’s calling for me. It’s that the heart behind the cleaning and the grocery lists and the friendships and the date nights is sometimes so… off.
My heart is often so far from beating to the rhythms of God’s grace. So far from pumping life-giving blood into my life and lives of others.
I look at Romans 12:9-12, which says: