Recently, my schedule has been packed full {note the lack of blog posts this week}, my house is crazy from moving, and my plans each day have not really gone the way I intended them to.
My plans.
In the midst of my crazy circumstances I am reminded yet again that:
One of the main issues right now is with working. I don’t think I’ve talked about this before, but I substitute for the school district near our house as a way to supplement our family income. The great thing about subbing is that it allows me to still work with high school students which is an age group I adore, I usually have a lot of time to work on school stuff on the job {yes, I’m implying I get paid to study and it’s awesome!}, and it’s completely flexible. I never have to go to work. If it’s a really busy week, I can choose not to sub at all or if I feel like I have the time I can sub two or three days in a week.
Every night around 5pm the system starts calling to fill sub jobs for the next day, and the nice thing is that I am a level 1 sub for secondary English and Social Studies since I am certified in those areas. That means the system calls me first for the jobs I enjoy the most. However, one day back in September the phone system decided it hated me. For no apparent reason, it rejected my pin number which I have to enter in order to accept a job over the system. It was the right pin. I had been using it for weeks, and I can still use it to log-in to the system online, it just will NOT accept it over the phone. Annoying. So every night I get calls to my phone and I cannot accept the job. Instead, I have to wake up at 6am every morning and call the sub coordinator to see if there are any jobs for the day. If there any, they are usually the left over jobs that no one wanted, which is why one day a few weeks ago I found myself sorting through thousands of bras {yes, you read that right} from some Breast Cancer Awareness display with a bunch of teenage boys. Ha! That should be a blog post in itself.
Basically, this technological problem has resulted in me subbing fewer and fewer days and not bringing in as much money as I would like to for the fam. However, over the past few weeks I have seen God’s hand establishing my steps in this circumstance. There was one day last week that I really wanted to get a sub job. I hadn’t subbed in a week, my dad had been in town closing on his house, and now that he was gone, it was time to get back to work. However, there were no jobs available. Later that morning I got a series of frantic calls and emails that I needed to rush to the title company to sign some random form otherwise my dad’s house was not going to close. If I had been subbing, I wouldn’t have been able to get to the title office by 1pm deadline and my dad could have lost his new home. God is good.
Yesterday, something similar happened. I’ve now gone two whole weeks without subbing and was hoping for a job. I even sat in my {new walk-in!} closet trying not to wake Micah up as I called the sub coordinator at 6am. She never answered. No job. I had planned to sub all day until 2:30 and then run by the apartment to do a final cleaning before our move-out inspection. Then I had class at 4:30. Silly me. Cleaning took way longer than I originally thought it would and I never would have been able to finish it if I had subbed for the full day. Now we are ready to hand in our apartment keys before the weekend. God is good.
God is not required to show us His plan as each day unfolds. But I am thankful He has revealed His reasons to me this week as a sweet reminder that His plans are always better than my own. He is sovereign over all areas of life and He can be trusted infinitely.
I am hoping to sub today. We’ll see what God has planned…
God knows what we need even when we can't understand! 🙂 We talked about this the other day…such a blessing this past weekend that I got my work taken care of…had the bf been here…I would be in bad situation! Hope you get a sub job today!! Love you!!
I needed this reminder today. Thank you!
If there is one thing that I've learned being a Christian, it's that God's plans are higher and bettter (and usually different) than the ones we make for ourselves 🙂 It's just funny how He has to keep reminding me of this over and over again.
Hope you get a job today!
It's definitely a good practice to continually realize that God's plan reigns! Something I know I need to work on! Hoping you get some sub jobs soon! If it's His will. 😉
What a wonderful reminder that we just need to trust and have faith! Thank you!
i needed to read that paul tripp quote again! so good. i love this, girl xo
Well said lady..this was such a great reminder of how wonderful God plans out everything!!
I've read several posts today about trusting God's plan and timing. He must be wanting to teach us and remind us of His control and goodness. Thanks for sharing what you are learning!