The Bible speaks boldly about grudges. They are not welcome in the Christian life. It’s not that we won’t ever be hurt or wronged by a Christian brother or sister. We will be. The Bible is pretty clear that as we live in the flesh, we will be wounded by friends and family, even by people who love the Lord but fall short at times.
But what should our response be when this happens? To bear with each other’s failings. To forgive. It seems like a difficult task, and it is, but it is also possible because of Christ. Jesus has forgiven our utter betrayal of him. He is perfect and loves us completely, yet we fail Him time and time again. But that cross of forgiveness is always there. Always prepared to bear our sin. So we too, with grateful hearts, should forgive those who sin against us.
There are lots of Christian analogies about bitterness and unforgiveness. One of the most common is that bitterness is like a cancer of the soul. While this is not straight out of Scripture, the author of Hebrews does warn his readers to make sure “no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.” (12:15). Clearly, there is something poisonous and destructive about bitterness, and so we should squelch any attitude of unforgiveness before it creeps deep into our minds and hearts and begins destroying our relationships. Obey God today… bear and forgive… because you have a Savior who has done the same thing for you at a far more drastic price.
You are so right that forgiveness can be very difficult. But holding grudges just isn't worth it! It's exhausting and I think it gives you wrinkles 😉 There is such freedom in forgiveness. And I'm so incredibly grateful that Jesus has forgiven me!! Thank you for that reminder today.
Oh, my lady! I swear you write these posts for me just at the right time. Obviously, this is not the case but thank you just the same.
Man I am so glad I found this post today. You know just what to say!
I read these verses to my students recently. I love the imagery of clothing ourselves with these traits so that we live beautiful lives of grace towards others.