“Ooh, I got retweeted!” exclaims my sinful heart.
I have been reflecting lately on how the posture of my heart is not right. Not right at all in the eyes of the Lord.
Because, as a sinner, I like acclaim for myself. I like to be noticed, celebrated, worshiped even. I like people to think that I am quote-worthy, tweet-worthy, fun and funny. I also like them to think I am spiritual, godly, and wise.
In essence, I want people to bow down to me, as if I were some type of queen of all things trendy and inspiring.
The dark parts of my heart are like Herod, who, in Acts 12, dresses up in his robes, sits on his throne, and delivers a speech, as the people yell “The voice of a god, and not of a man!” (12:22).
This is not right. (And Herod came to a horrible end, by the way.) My life, my thoughts, my actions, and my words should not lead to glory for myself. My life, and in everything in it, should point to the glory of God.
Of course, there is grace when I screw up and take too much delight in worldly attention. But it’s my prayer that God continues to change my heart, to teach me to pursue His glory and not my own.
I want to be like Peter in Acts 10. In this chapter, Peter travels to the house of a wealthy Gentile family to deliver the Gospel. When he arrives, the master of the house falls down at Peter’s feet and begins to worship him.
Peter, since he seeks the glory of Christ and not his own esteem, quickly lifts the man up and says, “Stand up; I too am a man” (10:26).
I want my heart and my mouth to speak those same words. Stand up. I am just a woman. Give glory to the God who created me. And you. And all the good works that He prepared in advance for us to do. Give glory to the One who sustains the whole universe and orchestrates the world’s events every second of the day.
We are just men and women.
He is God.
A good, good word. And very convicting. Especially for us bloggers and tweeters. I find myself thinking those same things all too often.
ps- I think you're fun and funny! but don't let that go to your head 😛
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So convicting, thanks for sharing your heart! Found you via Casey Wiegand!