I added a Bible verse in a picture frame to Micah’s bathroom counter last week.
I wrote out this verse in my best penmanship and used some of my scrapbooking supplies to make it look pretty… in the most manly way of course… and I happily set it up by Micah’s sink, next to his toothbrush holder {we have separate vanities, praise Jesus!}.
And when he came home that night and noticed it, he stared at it with quite the perplexed look. Not a frown exactly, but close to it. Let’s just call it a “I know those are God’s words, but do I really want to read that every morning and night when I brush my teeth?” look.
This is what the frame says…
Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life,
so that your prayers may not be hindered.
I Peter 3:7
But before he could get too annoyed about this “hindered prayers” verse, I reminded him of the verse I’ve kept by my own sink ever since we’ve been married {Because we all know I’ve had to cling to these words from time to time when I’ve wanted to scream and cry and name call. And I’m not saying there hasn’t been a slip up here and there, but by God’s grace these words have changed me over the past two years}…
Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives,
when they see your respectful and pure conduct.
I Peter 3:1-2
And I said, “That’s hard, babe. Seriously, I have to love and respect you even when you are in sin. That’s not always easy, ya know?”
And he replied in agreement. He knows it’s not always easy to be a godly wife, just like I know {to an extent} that it’s not always easy to be the loving, humble, sacrificial head of our family as a husband is called to be.
And in that moment, we agreed. These hard words are needed. These hard words from the Lord need to be in our vision daily. Beside our sinks where we can see them as we brush our teeth and wash our faces. Because marriage is a hard thing. You know this. I know this. It’s why about half of them fail. Marriage is hard, but it is also good. A lasting marriage is probably the most rewarding relationship on this earth.
And in order to travel on the journey of a faithful, loving, lasting marriage, Micah and I are willing to read hard words. We are willing to read and obey the words of the Lord that teach us how to lay down our lives for one another.
And our hope and prayer is that these hard words, when lived out, will result in one beautiful story.
*Linking up with Casey Leigh*
Love this Jen 🙂 Printing the verses & reading them daily!
this is SUCH wonderful perspective Jen…I may have to do the same as a reminder that those hard words and hard situations need to be endured, even when our spouse is in sin. It's so easy to get caught up and put the Lord's guiding words on the back burner but oh how lost and empty we feel when we do!
My fiance and I are studying these exact verses this week..we are learning so much! What a great perspective to have in marriage — I too love having verses and encouragement written everywhere because I need it in my face to keep me accountable!
Such a good reminder! I tend to put things on the bathroom mirror that I need reminded of… But I like this idea of framing them. 🙂
This is too cool, Jen.
Maybe, just maybe I can get my husband to write my verse and I'll write his.
Thanks for the inspiration!